LambdaTest Test Analytics: New Features

Hey, testers 😀 

Check out these new features added to LambdaTest Test Analytics. 👇 

  • Filter the Test Case Health Snapshot view according to your Count of Tests.

  • Added support for cloning the widgets in the Analytics Dashboard.

  • The new Task Status Ratio widget provides information about the quality of your current tasks based on the status marked on the LambdaTest platform.

Give these new features a try!

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Support for Windows 11 in HyperExecute


Hey folks 😀 

LambdaTest's HyperExecute Cloud now supports the following new features 👇 

  • Now run end-to-end automated tests on Windows 11. You can configure this by adding runson a key in the HyperExecute YAML file. 

To run tests on Windows 11, set the value of the runson key to win11 as shown below.

version: 0.1
runson: win11
testSuiteTimeout: 90
autosplit: true
retryOnFailure: true
maxRetries: 1
concurrency: 2
globalTimeout: 150
testSuiteTimeout: 150
testSuiteStep: 150
  • HyperExecute now allows you to retry commands that might fail during the pre-stage level. 

To do this, configure the preDirectives key in the HyperExecute YAML file. 

     - mkdir -p m2_cache_dir
     - mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=$CACHE_DIR -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install
  maxRetries: 5

The value of the maxRetries key determines how many times you want to retry your commands.

Try out these new features 🚀 

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What's New in LambdaTest Test Analytics

Hey there 👋 

Check out the new features we recently added to LambdaTest Test Analytics 📊  

  Now click on the cards of the Test Summary widget in the Analytics Dashboard and get a detailed view of your tests, including Test Name, Test Status, Browser/ Device, Build Name, and more.

  You can now make your Analytics Dashboard private. It's a feature that allows you to restrict who can view it. In addition, you can also make the Test Analytics Dashboard password protected by setting up a custom password. 

 Start testing

New Improvements in HyperExecute


Hey folks 😀 

Here are a few of the enhancements made to LambdaTest's HyperExecute Cloud.

  • Optimized HyperExecute CLI to reduce CPU usage. Now you can run tests at unforeseen speeds with HyperExecute.
  • Support for video recording at every stage of the test, regardless of the type of test you trigger.

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HyperExecute: Abort Selected Jobs, filter Tasks, & more


Hey there 👋 

We've released an update to HyperExecute Cloud that supports new features.

 Now abort the tasks you selected on the Job Details page.

✅ We've added the ability to filter tasks by status from within the Job Details page. 

✅ Added the functionality to access your previously aborted jobs from the Jobs Summary section of your Dashboard.

Give a spin on these new features 👆 

Try HyperExecute now

Browser Testing: Support for uploading .CSV files

Hey folks 👋 

LambdaTest's Real Time Browser Testing now supports uploading .CSV files.  

You can upload your required .CSV files using Google Drive or another cloud storage service and open them in the remote VM. After downloading the file, it will be available in the remote VM of LambdaTest.

Upload now->

New Enhancements in HyperExecute


Hey folks 👋 

Here are the latest enhancements made to LambdaTest's HyperExecute cloud. 💥 

✅ Added support for Mozilla Firefox 107 on Linux. 

An enhanced HyperExecute dashboard to indicate whether a tunnel was used or not to run a test suite. The Job Label(s) will now specify if a tunnel was used.

Try it now->

Announcing support for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4

Are your mobile apps ready for the latest Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4

Test them now on LambdaTest's real device cloud running real Galaxy Z Fold4 and ensure your app work seamlessly on foldable devices. 📱  

Check how your app functions for the features like app continuity to prevent data losses while folding and unfolding the device, the app adaptability to Galaxy flex mode, and more.

Read our product announcement on Galaxy Z Fold4 for more details. 📄 

 👉 Start testing on Galaxy Z Fold4 

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