LambdaTest Integrates With QMetry

Hello Testers 😊 

Every software-based business wants to ensure that automation testing and DevOps go hand in hand for a continuous testing process. To assist you in streamlining the entire process, we have now partnered and integrated with QMetry 🚀  

QMetry makes it a lot easier to scale up test automation while enabling headless automation  

Integrate your LambdaTest account with QMetry today to supercharge a streamlined transformation! 💥 

Latest Integrations On-Board!

Hello Testers 😎

We have our newest integration partners to help you kickstart 2021 and make it a little more productive🚀

LambdaTest Now Integrates With 🙌 

AppVeyor - Continuous Integration Tool

TestingWhiz - Codeless Automation Testing

Cerberus - Open Source Test Automation Framework

To ease your efforts while you test on LambdaTest, we consistently look forward to getting your favorite tools on board!

Now Live With LambdaTest TeamCity Plugin

Since TeamCity is one of the most in-demand CI/CD tools, we’re now live with our exclusive TeamCity plugin to help you integrate your projects seamlessly from our dashboard 🚀

You can get this plugin from JetBrains Marketplace.📌 

With TeamCity plugin you can-

Configure your project to use LambdaTest TeamCity Plugin

✅ Execute your tests on LambdaTest

✅ Configure Lambda Tunnel for local testing

✅ Test privately hosted site with the help of TeamCity Plugin

For information on making the most of this plugin, you can check out our support documentation on TeamCity Plugin Integration.

New Integrations On-board!

Here’s an exciting announcement for you! 📣

We know managing any web project is tricky and the challenges to track the bugs is daunting when you get started with testing. 

To help you ease the efforts while you test on LambdaTest, we consistently look forward to updating our list of integrations with your favourite tools!

Announcing three new integrations for you 💌 

LambdaTest Integrates with BugHerd

  LambdaTest Integrates with Mattermost

  LambdaTest Integrates with Rocket.Chat

With our single click integration you can push annotated issues to the project or communicate to the channel of your choice, assign it to the required team mate, track the bugs and attach necessary screenshots. You can do all that while in the middle of a test session in LambdaTest platform. 

You will find it under Integrations, as shown below 👇 

New Features For Underpass

Hello Testers 👋

After receiving a warm response and constructive feedback, our Underpass app is now out of beta testing. Experience a more stable, secure and faster UI-based desktop application to help you perform browser testing of your locally hosted projects with ease. 

The latest version is 1.8.3041 

1. Differentiate Updates With Colour Codes: 
With colour codes you can easily differentiate the updates that occur on the Underpass tunnel logs screen. Thus helping you acknowledge warning or error messages with ease. 

2. Easy To Access & Share Log Directory from the main screen: 
We have made the cumbersome process of finding the log directory link easy. Now you can access and share the path directly from the main screen. 

3. Ability to Change the Log Directory Path:
Now you can change and choose your desired log path using GUI in Underpass.

4. Performance Enhancements:
We have also improved the performance of the Underpass app and worked closely on the stability issues and key enhancements.

We're Live With Latest Browsers, GitHub Action For Tunnel And AirTable Integration

Howdy Testers! At LambdaTest, our users are a big part of our journey, as we constantly work towards giving the best experience to our users. This is why we’re constantly working to give you better user experience.

Perform Real-Time Testing Over Latest Browsers

 We realise how important are the latest browsers are for your testing efforts, this is why we constantly work to get the lastest browsers to improve your testing coverage. 


Here are the latest browsers for Real-time testing:

  • Chrome 83 & Chrome 84 Beta
  • Firefox 77
  • Test on Edge 81,  Edge 83 &  Edge 84 Beta 
  • Opera 68, Opera 69 Beta 

Now Live With Latest Chrome, Firefox, Edge & Opera Browsers

GitHub Actions To Launch Lambda Tunnel

The GitHub community can now leverage GitHub action for Lambda Tunnel to test locally hosted web pages with ease. Simply embed the Lambda Tunnel GitHub action into your Job. Once the GitHub action is triggered, it will automatically take care of setting up the binary file & executing Selenium automation tests using the Lambda Tunnel. Pace up your GitHub workflows now!

GitHub Action to Launch Lambda Tunnel

LambdaTest Now Integrates With AirTable 

With LambdaTest integration with Airtable, you can manage your bugs more efficiently and effectively while performing cross browser testing. This integration enables you to easily mark your bugs, keep a track of them, share, and collaborate with your team on your Airtable project. Your bugs get logged in your respective table, you can fill up the fields such as associated feature, bug source, assignee, etc.

After you’ve marked the bugs, you can see that these bugs logged in the table, along with all the entered information. You can also see the environment on which the test was performed along with the screenshot URL of the marked bug, which routes you to the screenshot.

LambdaTest Now Integrates With Airtable

LambdaTest launches Underpass – A Desktop Application For Testing Local Pages

Hey All! Hope you are staying safe amid COVID-19 outbreak and staying indoors, working remotely! In the mid of all these, we introduced Underpass- A Desktop application to make you local testing easier. All you need to do is to install this application in your system and start your local testing.

Why Underpasss?

Underpass saves you the effort of working your way through the command line to trigger the Lambda Tunnel binary. Now, you just need to download, install the application and hit the launch button with your LambdaTest authentication credentials. That is it! The Underpass will take care of the rest.

You can also use Magic Link to auto-fill the authentication credentials. Just click on the Magic Link under the "Configure Tunnel" button in the header and it will automatically open the auto-fill Underpass.

The Underpass application has a built-in terminal to reflect the Lambda Tunnel logs directly from your command line.

Best Part? Underpass lets you specify a bunch of advanced configurations while launching your Lambda Tunnel.

That way, you can launch the Lambda Tunnel on your specified proxy details, environment label, info API port, local server port, and more.! You can even view the detailed logs by toggling the Verbose button, by default, it would be off.

The MITM(Man-in-the-middle) toggle enables you to test websites using self-signed certificates on your local system or internal network.

For more details, refer to our support documentation on LambdaTest Underpass.

Now Test With Selenium 4 Capabilities, Shared Tunnel, & Geo Location testing in Automation!


Selenium 4 Powered Testing

The latest Selenium version (Selenium 4) is in it's Alpha stage and would be launched any day now. We have upgraded our platform to support the latest version and now you can run Selenium 4 based test at LambdaTest platform.

If you want to upgrade to latest version that's awesome and we have you covered, however if you are running selenium 3.x or earlier version, no worries we got you covered as well. The latest update is backwards compatible. That means your current scripts will work as it is on LambdaTest. Learn More about Selenium 4 on LambdaTest.


Geo-proxy Enabled Cross Browser Testing in Automation

Did you know that your website may appear different when rendered from different geographical location? LambdaTest can help you with that !!!!

Earlier last month we launched GeoLocation testing features for manual real time testing features. Today we extended these features to our Selenium Automation Grid offering as well. You can define the geolocation you want to run your test scripts on though the desired capabilities object. Check out how to perform cross browser test automation from different geo-locations with LambdaTest.


Lambda Shared Tunnel For Faster Testing

With our all new shared tunnel feature you can now configure a shared Lambda Tunnel for all of the teammates that are listed under your organization at LambdaTest. This will eliminate the need for them to configure a tunnel again for testing a website or web application. Know more about running share Lambda Tunnel.

Learn more.

Let us know how you feel about this exciting release. :)

Till then,

Happy Testing!!!