Live With SmartUI CLI, Test Case Insights, iOS Biometric Authentication & New Browsers


SmartUI CLI for Visual Regression Testing

We've just introduced a SmartUI CLI to make visual regression testing easier and more convenient for you. With this, you can now perform visual regression testing effortlessly right from your command line terminal.

It's easy to get started with SmartUI CLI -

  1. Install the necessary dependencies.
  2. Create a URL file.
  3. Configure your project token.
  4. Create and configure SmartUI config.
  5. Execute the tests on the SmartUI cloud using CLI.

For more details, check the documentation SmartUI CLI.

Test Analytics

Get Test Case Insights in Test Analytics for HyperExecute

We have now added two new widgets in LambdaTest Analytics: the Test Cases Health Snapshot and the Test Cases View for HyperExecute. These widgets are designed to make it easier for you to dive into the details of your test execution at the individual test case level. 

With these features, you can now access in-depth information about the number and types of test cases. The best part is that you can customize these widgets and apply advanced filters to tailor your analysis according to your specific needs. It's all about giving you the tools to gain a deeper understanding of your test cases and their performance.  


Biometric Authentication for iOS

LambdaTest now supports biometric authentication on real devices for iOS 13 and above versions. With this new feature, you can test the biometric authentication functionality in your iOS apps to ensure that the app provides an optimal user experience on various iOS devices and platforms.

Head over to our documentation to get started with Biometric Authentication.


The latest browser versions to enhance your cross browser testing capabilities are now live.

  • Chrome 117 Beta, 116, 115
  • Firefox 118 Beta, 117, 116
  • Edge 117 Beta, 116, 115 
  • Opera 102, 101, 100
  • Brave 1.57, 1.56, 1.53

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SmartUI & Analytics: Latest Features and Enhancements

Our team is excited to announce the new features and enhancements to LambdaTest's SmartUI and Analytics Platform. Let's take a look at them.


Test on Edge Browser 🌐 

SmartUI now supports Edge browser in addition to other supported browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and more. Using Storybook, you can test your software application's UI components on the Edge browser to ensure they function and render perfectly.

Capture Full Page Screenshots with Auto-Height Detection 📷 

Earlier A/B testing of images with SmartUI requires you to take full-page screenshots to make more informed decisions. In addition, capturing full-page screenshots in Storybook also requires manual configuration of the page height.

With the Auto Height Detection feature, now you can capture full-page screenshots by automatically detecting and adjusting the page height and avoid the hassle of manually specifying the height parameter in the configuration file.

Integration of GitHub App with Playwright 🔁 

SmartUI now integrates the GitHub App with Playwright, allowing you to link your GitHub repositories directly to your LambdaTest's SmartUI accounts. 

With SmartUI, you and your teams can easily share test scripts, review changes, and provide feedback within their GitHub repositories. With any CI tool on GitHub, you can get information about the status of visual regression builds and pull and push requests.


LambdaTest Test Analytics Templates 📰 

With the new Test Analytics Templates, you can now access pre-built templates that provide comprehensive insight into your test results, making it easier to analyze and interpret the information. 

These templates provide a structured framework for the presentation of test analytics, allowing you to customize and visualize their data in a visual and meaningful manner. You and your teams can save time and effort by leveraging these templates instead of creating test reports from scratch.

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Smart Crop for Visual Regression Testing using Appium

With SmartUI's new real-device mobile notification status bar crop feature, you can take your Appium visual regression testing workflows to the next level. 

By using Smart Crop, you can crop out the status bar from screenshots and focus solely on the core UI elements during visual comparisons.

SmartUI leverages machine learning algorithms to detect and crop the status bar from screenshots accurately. This allows you to concentrate solely on the important UI elements by excluding them from visual comparisons. 

Original Screenshot:

Cropped Screenshot:

 📕 Read our blog to know more about the Smart Crop feature.

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Live with New Widget: Job Queue Time Trends

Now visualize your job queue time in an easy-to-read time-series plot using the Job Queue Time Trends widget for HyperExecute. It enables you to see how much time each job spends in the queue before execution, giving you an overview of your testing pipeline's efficiency. 🕛

How this widget helps you?
  1. Identify bottlenecks: By monitoring your job queue time, you can quickly identify potential bottlenecks and take necessary actions to improve the efficiency of your testing pipeline.
  2. Optimize resource allocation: Understanding your job queue time helps you make informed decisions about resource allocation, ensuring that your testing infrastructure is used optimally.
  3. Improved collaboration: Share insights from the Job Queue Time Widget with your team members to foster collaboration and improve your testing processes.

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Voices of Community: The New Tool On The Block Playwright

Join us on April 26th, 2023, for the next episode of Voices of Community on The 'New Tool On The Block' Playwright 📺 

🕛  8:30 - 9:30 PM IST | 11:00 - 12:00 PM EST 

Save Your Spot 👈 

Speakers 🎤 

  • 👤 Butch Mayhew - Head of Quality and Reliability, Tilled & Playwright Ambassador
  • 👤 Manoj Kumar - VP - DevRel and OSPO, LambdaTest

In this episode of Voices of Community, Butch Mayhew shares his learning journey in building automated tests with Playwright, how to leverage it in CI/CD pipelines, top features of Playwright, and more.

Introducing the Newest Features in Visual Regression Testing

We have rolled out the latest additions to the LambdaTest Visual Regression Testing cloud to enhance the UI quality assurance process and help you catch visual bugs early. 💻 

Here are some of the key features:

Git Baseline Branching for Storybook Builds

We're introducing an intelligent Git-based baseline branching system that simplifies baseline build selection for your Storybook builds. This feature automatically selects the appropriate baseline build based on the code changes committed to Git. To help you track these changes, we're providing commit numbers and commit messages for your reference.

Key benefits:

  • Streamlined baseline build selection process.
  • Easy tracking of code changes and related builds.

Refer to our documentation: Git Branching Strategy in Smart UI.

✅ Storybook Static Build Support Enhancements

We've updated our NPM package to the version 1.1.4, which brings improvements to your Storybook static build support. This update allows you to compress your Storybook static folder and run stories across various browsers and resolutions specified in your .smartui.json configuration file.

Key benefits:

  • Improved compression of Storybook static folder.
  • Support for advanced web elements like iframes, external resources, and canvas elements.

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LambdaTest Analytics: Widget Enhancements and New Features

We are glad to announce the latest release of LambdaTest Analytics, featuring significant enhancements to Edit Widget functionality, improved metric customization, and much more. 📊 

Below is a summary of the new features and improvements:

 Customize Widgets with Display Options

We have expanded the customization capabilities for our widgets. You can now modify the visualization of the widgets more easily, with options including:

  • Changing the graph type to suit the data representation better.
  • Showing or hiding graph legends for a cleaner and more focused view.

Ability to Change Metrics on Widget Views

Now you can control the percentage value displayed on the card widgets for Test Summary and Test Case Health Snapshot for Web Automation, App Automation, and HyperExecute. This added flexibility would help better tailor the displayed metrics to your specific project needs.

View or Hide Parallel and Queued Annotations

We have added a new display option for Concurrency Trends, giving you the ability to show or hide parallel and queued annotation lines. This feature will help you focus on the most relevant information while analyzing concurrency trends.

 Bonus addition:

📌 LambdaTest now supports web automation testing with Selenium 4.8.0.

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Voices of Community: Clean Coding Practices for Test Automation (Part 2)

Join us on March 23rd, 2023, for the next episode of Voices of Community on Clean Coding Practices for Test Automation (Part 2) 📺 

🕛  9:00-10:30 AM EST | 6:30-8:00 PM IST


 Speakers 🎤 

  • 👤 Sai Krishna - Lead Consultant, Thoughtworks
  • 👤 Srinivasan Sekar - Lead Consultant, Thoughtworks 

In this webinar, we will take up real-world scenarios to showcase clean coding practices for test automation. We will dissect existing test automation code, from identifying code smells to fixing them.

It is a continuation of our previous webinar on Clean Coding Practices for Test Automation.

[Forrester Research Webinar] Digital Experience Testing - Need of the Hour for Enterprises

Join us on March 09th, 2023, for the upcoming webinar on Digital Experience Testing: Need of the Hour for Enterprises 📺 

🕛  6:00-7:00 AM EST | 11:00-12:00 PM GMT | 4:30 PM IST

Save Your Spot 👈

Speakers 🎤 

  • 👤 Diego Lo Giudice - Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester
  • 👤 Maneesh Sharma - Chief Operating Officer, LambdaTest

In this high-impact session, Guest Speaker Forrester, Vice President, and Principal Analyst Diego Lo Giudice will share his thoughts on what goes into digital experience testing and how enterprises can develop the right testing strategy to make it successful.

Key Takeaways 🗝️ 

📌 How setting the right testing strategy can help enterprises ensure seamless quality and customer experience.

📌 Optimize test management and execution/ orchestration strategy to increase release velocity and ROI.

📌 How smarter automation is key for test velocity.

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