Introducing the New LambdaTest UI Across All Products

Hey folks 👋 

Today, we announce a brand new user interface (UI) coming to all LambdaTest products! This update marks a significant step forward in our mission to deliver an exceptional testing experience and elevate your efficiency.

We understand the importance of a smooth transition, so we'll be rolling out the new UI in phases. This allows us to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your workflow. We'll also be gathering your valuable feedback throughout the process to continuously refine and optimize the experience.

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What's New in Web Automation

The LambdaTest Web Automation platform has been upgraded with some new features and enhancements.👇 

📌 Generate Multiple Lighthouse Reports Using Lambda Hooks

LambdaTest enables Selenium automation with the added capability of generating multiple Lighthouse reports using Lambda Hooks. This includes the hook structure, expected behavior, and the specific conditions triggering report generation or error occurrences.

📌 Generate Lighthouse Reports With Playwright Lighthouse Library

With LambdaTest, you can seamlessly perform Playwright automation and effortlessly generate Lighthouse reports using the Playwright Lighthouse Library – all within a single test.

📌 Support for Selenium 4.14 - 4.17

You can now perform automation testing using Selenium 4.14 - 4.17. This enhancement is compatible with the newest Java features for improved performance and stability in your test automation. Also, you can experience faster test execution and reduced latency with optimized WebDriver calls and a more efficient Selenium Grid, all accessible through our cloud.

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Now Test on Latest Samsung Galaxy S24 Series

Are your mobile apps ready for the latest Samsung Galaxy S24 series? 

Test them now on LambdaTest real device cloud and ensure your web and native mobile apps are compatible with the latest Samsung Galaxy S24 series. 📱 🌐 

Get ahead of the game by testing on these Galaxy S24 models:

  • Galaxy S24
  • Galaxy S24+
  • Galaxy S24 Ultra

So, what are you waiting for? Head over to LambdaTest real device cloud and ensure your apps shine on the Samsung Galaxy S24 series. 📱 

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HyperExecute: Enhance Your Development Efficiency with our Latest Releases

Release Announcement HyperExecute 

Streamline Maven Runtime Support in your Projects 🧑‍💻

Enhance your development process with Maven runtime support in HyperExecute. Enjoy seamless integration and optimized performance for Maven-based projects, making your execution process even more efficient.

📕 Check the documentation to setup Maven support

Detailed Control with Regex Retry Option ⚙️

Regular expressions offer precise control, allowing you to fine-tune when test retries are triggered. Specify the exact situations where you want tests to run again, ensuring optimal resource utilization and laser-focused testing execution

📗 Read the documentation

Streamline Naming with Artifact-Matrix Parameter Value 📝

Simplify artifact management by replacing artifact names with browser-parameter values. This enhancement ensures consistency and clarity in your project, making it easier to manage and track artifacts associated with different parameters.

📘 Read the documentation

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Beta Browser Support in HyperExecute


HyperExecute now supports beta browsers for the Windows Platform! 🎉

This means you can now test your web applications on the latest beta versions of popular browsers for the Windows platform, ensuring compatibility and catching potential issues early on.

Here's what's new:

  • Beta Browser Deployment: Easily deploy beta browsers on HyperExecute, just as you would stable browsers.
  • Expanded Testing Coverage: Expand your testing coverage to include beta browser versions, identifying potential compatibility issues before they impact your users.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Get ahead of the game by testing on beta browsers and ensuring your web applications are ready for the latest browser features.

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New Features in Test Analytics and HyperExecute


Real-Time Browser Concurrency Usage - Support for Sub-Organizations 

With the latest update, parent organization account users can now seamlessly monitor the real-time browser session usage of all their sub-organizations from a single, unified view. This feature grants the ability to observe which sub-organizations are utilizing more or fewer resources, thereby enabling a more strategic and informed approach to resource planning.

Key Benefits:

  • Centralized Monitoring: Administrators can now track browser concurrency from a central dashboard, providing a comprehensive overview of resource usage across all sub-organizations.
  • Resource Optimization: Real-time insights allow for immediate adjustments to resource allocation, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Detailed usage statistics empower parent organizations with the data required to make informed decisions about future resource provisioning and capacity planning.
  • Increased Control: This update offers a granular level of control, allowing for the identification of usage patterns and potential areas for improvement within sub-organizations.

For more information, refer to our documentation - Advanced Test Analytics.


Support for Test Muting

With Test Muting functionality, you can temporarily disable the execution of a test case. This can helpful for skipping failing or irrelevant tests, enhancing the efficiency and efficacy of your test process and enabling you to concentrate on the most important results.

To get started, head to our documentation - Test Muting in HyperExecute.

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Presenting the All-New UnderPass Desktop Application

Presenting our all-new UnderPass desktop application, available now for both Windows and macOS!

Here's the scoop on what's fresh:

  • Redesigned User Interface: We revamped the UI for a more user-friendly experience. 💻
  • Diverse Login Options: Now, log in with your email and password or choose the ease of Google, GitHub, or SSO. 🔐
  • Multiple Tunnel Management: Our upgraded application lets you handle multiple tasks at once. Efficient, right? 🚇
  • Advanced Configuration: If you're into detailed setups, we've got advanced tunneling options for both basic and intricate needs. 🔧
  • Streamlined Log Sharing: Debugging is a breeze with our easy log copying feature. 🔍

To get started, refer to the documentation LambdaTest UnderPass.

Live With Intelligent UI Inspector for Real Devices

Hey folks 👋 

LambdaTest real device cloud is now live with an Intelligent UI Inspector to help developers, and testers overcome the challenges of inspecting app elements. 🔧 

The new Intelligent UI Inspector simplifies interacting with app elements and eliminates the need for repetitive inspector opening and closing. 

Additionally, it streamlines the creation of reliable custom XPath, addresses the complexity of hybrid app inspection, and saves time by facilitating effortless app relaunches. Moreover, it enhances the user experience by offering an intuitive interface catering to various user preferences.

For more details, please refer to our product update - Introducing Intelligent UI Inspector for Real Device Cloud

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Announcing LambdaTest's New Real Device Data Center

We are excited to announce the launch of our new real device data center in the North American West region. This expansion allows our customers to access a wider variety of devices for their testing requirements, with the added benefit of faster and more convenient service.

For those customers who whitelist IP addresses, please ensure you add our new data center's IP to your allowlist to maintain seamless service:

  • New Data Center IP:

New Features: Smart UI and Account Management

Smart UI

  • Perform Smart UI testing with Storybook 7 and get enhanced component visualization, testing, and collaboration capabilities.
  • Smart baseline strategy for SmartUI to streamline the process of updating baselines for approved screenshots, reducing manual intervention, and improving the overall efficiency of the testing workflow.
  • Now take multiple screenshots in a build and give them the same name. This is useful for comparing different stages or elements, as you're not limited to just one screenshot with the same name in a build. This overwrite screenshot feature in Smart UI will replace (overwrite) the latest screenshot with the previous ones in that build.


  • New security features in the LambdaTest Tunnel to configure security options for the tunnel to restrict tunnel creation to specific users, turn tunnel sharing on or off, and control which local domains are accessible (or inaccessible) through the tunnel. 
  • Audit logs in LambdaTest Tunnel for user and organization-level activities to monitor account activity, detect unauthorized access, investigate security incidents, track user-level and organization-level activity history, and audit compliance with security policies.
  • Password and access key expiry policy to let organization administrators set the duration of password and access key expiry. After that, users can create a new password and/or use the regenerated access key. Admins will also be able to exempt certain users from the application of this policy. 
  • LambdaTest integration with Zenkit for tracking and managing bugs and issues. With this integration, you can effortlessly log bugs directly from the LambdaTest platform to your Zenkit instance, eliminating the need to maintain tasks and issues manually. 

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