Coding Jag Weekly: 136th Issue is out

Welcome to the 136th edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

In the Software Development Life Cycle (SDCL), testing is an essential part of ensuring quality and functionality. 

Software testing looks exciting and challenging as technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate.

In this issue of Coding Jag, we explore what the future of software testing looks like and what it means for software testers in terms of their roles, responsibilities, and the skills they need to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry.


Coding Jag Weekly: 135th Issue is out

Welcome to the 135th edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

Go testing frameworks have gained popularity due to their simplicity, performance, efficiency, and integration capabilities, making them a preferred choice for web application testing.

So, let's dive into this issue of Coding Jag and discover the perfect Go testing framework for your projects!

Discover the newest testing insights by subscribing to LambdaTest Coding Jag Weekly 📩.

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Coding Jag Weekly: 134th Issue is out

Welcome to the 134th edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

With the rise of Agile and DevOps methodologies, the pace of software development has accelerated significantly, making it harder for manual testing to keep up. 

In this edition of Coding Jag, we explore the various factors driving the trend toward automation, including the need for faster releases and the relevance of manual testing.

Unlock the latest testing insights with LambdaTest Coding Jag Weekly 📩 


Coding Jag Weekly: 133rd Issue is out

Welcome to the 133rd edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

Bad testing practices can lead to significant consequences, both for individual testers and the software development industry, causing release delays, cost overruns, and even ruining organizations' reputations. 

In this edition of Coding Jag, we examine bad testing experiences to learn how not to repeat them in the future.

Unlock the latest testing insights with LambdaTest Coding Jag Weekly.

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LambdaTest Analytics: Widget Enhancements and New Features

We are glad to announce the latest release of LambdaTest Analytics, featuring significant enhancements to Edit Widget functionality, improved metric customization, and much more. 📊 

Below is a summary of the new features and improvements:

 Customize Widgets with Display Options

We have expanded the customization capabilities for our widgets. You can now modify the visualization of the widgets more easily, with options including:

  • Changing the graph type to suit the data representation better.
  • Showing or hiding graph legends for a cleaner and more focused view.

Ability to Change Metrics on Widget Views

Now you can control the percentage value displayed on the card widgets for Test Summary and Test Case Health Snapshot for Web Automation, App Automation, and HyperExecute. This added flexibility would help better tailor the displayed metrics to your specific project needs.

View or Hide Parallel and Queued Annotations

We have added a new display option for Concurrency Trends, giving you the ability to show or hide parallel and queued annotation lines. This feature will help you focus on the most relevant information while analyzing concurrency trends.

 Bonus addition:

📌 LambdaTest now supports web automation testing with Selenium 4.8.0.

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Coding Jag Weekly: 132nd Issue is out

Welcome to the 132nd edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐 

As testing has evolved over the past decade, new tools and methodologies have emerged to improve efficiency, accuracy, and speed.

In this edition of Coding Jag, we're excited to highlight changes that have improved testing practices, providing actionable insights for testers looking to enhance their skills and capabilities.

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Coding Jag Weekly: 131st Issue is out

Welcome to the 131st edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

Just like little bugs in the real world, software bugs can have a significant impact on our software's functionality and user experience.

In this edition of Coding Jag, we explore the world of software bugs and how to learn from little bugs to improve our software testing practices.

Get the weekly dose of testing directly in your inbox!

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Coding Jag Weekly: 130th Issue is out

Welcome to the 130th edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

Test automation has become an indispensable technique for delivering software quickly, assuring quality, and fulfilling customer expectations.

However, in the pursuit of speed, many teams fall into the trap of running automation too fast, leading to unreliable results, false positives, and missed defects.

In this edition of Coding Jag, we explore why slowing down is critical to the success of test automation and provide tips on achieving the right balance.

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Test on Latest Browsers, and FogBugz Integration

Hey folks 😀 

Here are a new set of features from LambdaTest's Real Time Testing 👇 

Latest Browsers in Real Time Testing  🕑 

  • Chrome 110 Beta, 109 
  • Firefox 110 Beta, 109 
  • Edge 110 Beta, 109
  • Opera 95

Newest Integration with FogBugz 🔗 

Avoid the hassle of maintaining bugs and tasks manually. With our newest integration with FogBugz, file bugs in a single click while performing cross browser testing of your website from the LambdaTest platform to your FogBugz instance.

Other Enhancements: The LambdaTest Integration for Zapier has been optimized for improved performance  

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