LambdaTest Analytics: Widget Enhancements and New Features

We are glad to announce the latest release of LambdaTest Analytics, featuring significant enhancements to Edit Widget functionality, improved metric customization, and much more. 📊 

Below is a summary of the new features and improvements:

 Customize Widgets with Display Options

We have expanded the customization capabilities for our widgets. You can now modify the visualization of the widgets more easily, with options including:

  • Changing the graph type to suit the data representation better.
  • Showing or hiding graph legends for a cleaner and more focused view.

Ability to Change Metrics on Widget Views

Now you can control the percentage value displayed on the card widgets for Test Summary and Test Case Health Snapshot for Web Automation, App Automation, and HyperExecute. This added flexibility would help better tailor the displayed metrics to your specific project needs.

View or Hide Parallel and Queued Annotations

We have added a new display option for Concurrency Trends, giving you the ability to show or hide parallel and queued annotation lines. This feature will help you focus on the most relevant information while analyzing concurrency trends.

 Bonus addition:

📌 LambdaTest now supports web automation testing with Selenium 4.8.0.

Start testing

Meet the All-New Chromium Based LT Browser 2.0

Hey folks 👋 

We're excited to announce the beta release of the new Chromium-based LT Browser 2.0.

Unleash the power of Chromium and take your responsive testing to the next level. The all-new LT Browser 2.0 is faster than ever as it is based on the latest native Chromium rendering engine (Blink). 

The new LT Browser 2.0 boasts enhanced performance and several features that make it easier for you to create responsive designs for device viewports of all sizes. 📱 💻 

Here is a quick rundown of the features that LT Browser 2.0 offers 👇 

  • Interact and test with 4 devices simultaneously.
  • Dedicated DevTools for different viewports.
  • Test with unlimited custom device viewports.
  • Generate and share multiple error reports.
  • Use Chromium settings.
  • Install Chrome extensions.
  • Unlimited browser tabs to launch device viewports.
  • Record with the entire screen or browser tab.

📌 For more details, please check our Product Update on LT Browser 2.0 

📌 To get started, refer to LT Browser 2.0: Getting Started Guide

Try it out now

Introducing the 'allowHosts' capability in LambdaTest Tunnel!

Hey Testers 😀 

With the latest tunnel binary release, we have added a new capability -allowHosts to provide domains that will be resolved from the LambdaTest Tunnel binary and the rest from the LambdaTest servers.

Using the -allowHosts capability will reduce latency during test execution as data will be transferred from the tunnel client. Additionally, you can use this to control the flow of traffic from a user's network.

–allowHosts <comma_separated_domains>

Shown below is an example of -allowHosts capability 👇 

./LT  --user <username> --key <secret> –allowHosts,, 

Now Choose Download Location, Media Pagination, Mark/Share Error Reports & More!

Hey Testers 👋 

The latest release of LT Browser is here with the new features & enhancements! 💥 


1. Choose The Download Location Of Media Files 📁

You can now choose the location to download your media files. Just click on the Download button, select the desired location, and save the media files.

2. Save Media Files On Cloud Or Local System

You can now save the media files on the cloud (not applicable for freemium users after 14 days) or simply to your local system (applicable for both premium and freemium users).

3. Media Pagination 📄

Till now, the LT Browser Media tab shows a maximum of 10 screenshots and 50 videos, with no option to see more images/videos. To fix this, we've added a Load More button, allowing you to view more media files.

4. Autofill Feature In The URL Search Bar 🔎

With the autofill feature for the URL search bar, you'll now get the relevant suggestions while typing your search query.

5. Mark And Share Error/Bug Reports 🐞

You can now mark and share bug reports for single or multiple errors. To share the error reports with your teammates/colleagues, you will need an email address.

6. View Resolution For Different Device Viewports 

You can now view the common resolutions for different device viewports for Desktops, Mobiles & Tablets In the Add Custom Device section.


Until now you need to click on the New tab to type the search query. To minimize your efforts, you can now start typing the search query without any extra click in the URL bar. 

Kick start your responsive testing with these new features & let us know your experiences & feedback on the LT Browser Feedback board.

Happy Testing!

LT Browser Goes Free Forever!

Hey developers, testers, and avid users of LT Browser. We are here with some super exciting news! 🤩💥 

All the essential features of LT Browser are now 'Free for LifeTime' 🚀💯

This is one of the many initiatives that we at LambdaTest are taking to simplify the lives of developers and QA Engineers! 🙌 📳 

Happy Testing!


Added Devices Category In Add New Device!

Hey Testers! 👋 

To make device management easier, we've introduced a Devices category to the Add New Device option. 📱 

You can now add a new device to Favorites, Mobile, Desktop, Tablet, and Custom devices by using the Devices category. 🚀

LT Browser Enhancements: Add Bookmarks, Rename Media Files, Drag & Drop!

Hey Testers 😀 

We are now live with the latest version of the LT Browser. Here are some of the major enhancements 👇 

1. Add Bookmarks 🔖  

  • You can now bookmark any frequently visited URL and visit there in a click. 
  • Options to edit, copy, delete and open in a new tab.
  • Options to create & delete bookmark folders.

2. Rename Media Files 🎥 

Added an option to rename the media files (images & videos) and download them with the desired name.

3. Drag And Drop To Add Device Viewports 📲 

You can now drag and drop the device viewports from the left device viewports menu directly in the view pane.

Kick start your testing now 🚀

New iPhone 12 Series In LT Browser!

Hello Testers 😀 

Excited to announce new pre-installed iOS 12 devices in LT Browser 🚀 

Newly added iPhone 12 devices,

 📱 iPhone 12, Mini, Pro, Pro Max

You can now test your website's responsiveness on iPhone 12 devices.

New Advancements In LT Browser!

Hey Testers 😊 

We are pleased to unbox some new features added in the LT Browser to jazz up your daily workflow 💥 

Check them out! 

  • What's New section  

Like new product releases and updates!  We’ve always got something new to get excited about. You can now keep yourself updated with our latest enhancements and features in the What's New section of LT Browser 🗳 

  • Feedback Board  

Check out our new Feedback board in the LT Browser and share your thoughts with us by joining the conversation. 💬 

  • DevTools Pinning  

LT Browser now allows you to pin DevTools without ever losing sight of your file. 📌 

  • Revamped Keyboard Shortcuts  

For Windows & Linux:

  • CTRL+ZUndo
  • CTRL+MMinimize
  • CTRL+SHIFT+MNavigate to the Media page.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+HNavigate to the Home page.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+RReplacing or adding the right device.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+DRemoving the right device.

For Mac:

  • Command+Shift+MNavigate to the Media page.
  • Command+Shift+HNavigate to the Home page.
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