New Features: Smart UI and Account Management

Smart UI

  • Perform Smart UI testing with Storybook 7 and get enhanced component visualization, testing, and collaboration capabilities.
  • Smart baseline strategy for SmartUI to streamline the process of updating baselines for approved screenshots, reducing manual intervention, and improving the overall efficiency of the testing workflow.
  • Now take multiple screenshots in a build and give them the same name. This is useful for comparing different stages or elements, as you're not limited to just one screenshot with the same name in a build. This overwrite screenshot feature in Smart UI will replace (overwrite) the latest screenshot with the previous ones in that build.


  • New security features in the LambdaTest Tunnel to configure security options for the tunnel to restrict tunnel creation to specific users, turn tunnel sharing on or off, and control which local domains are accessible (or inaccessible) through the tunnel. 
  • Audit logs in LambdaTest Tunnel for user and organization-level activities to monitor account activity, detect unauthorized access, investigate security incidents, track user-level and organization-level activity history, and audit compliance with security policies.
  • Password and access key expiry policy to let organization administrators set the duration of password and access key expiry. After that, users can create a new password and/or use the regenerated access key. Admins will also be able to exempt certain users from the application of this policy. 
  • LambdaTest integration with Zenkit for tracking and managing bugs and issues. With this integration, you can effortlessly log bugs directly from the LambdaTest platform to your Zenkit instance, eliminating the need to maintain tasks and issues manually. 

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Now Test Your Mobile Apps on Android 14

Are your web and mobile apps ready for Android 14? 

Test them now on LambdaTest virtual device cloud running the latest Android 14 Emulators and ensure your web and native mobile apps are compatible with the latest Android 14. 📱 🌐 

Here are the following Emulators supporting Android 14:

  • Google Pixel 7 Pro
  • Google Pixel 7
  • OnePlus 11 5G
  • realme GT2 Pro 

Start testing on Android 14

App Automation on Emulators and Simulators, Flaky Test Detection With Test Intelligence, Latest iPhone 15 Simulators, and More


App Automation on Emulators and Simulators 

LambdaTest now supports App Automation on Emulators and Simulators. With this feature, you can automate mobile apps on a virtual device cloud of Emulators and Simulators. Currently, this feature is available in the Beta phase, with support for the Appium framework.

Head over to our documentation to get started - App Automation Using Emulators and Simulators on LambdaTest.


DOM Comparison for Playwright and Puppeteer

While performing visual regression testing, if you have any dynamic elements that are not in the same position across test runs, you can now ignore/select a specific area to be removed from the comparison using the Playwright and Puppeteer framework. 

Refer to the documentation to get started - Handle Dynamic Elements in SmartUI.


AI-Powered Flaky Test Detection 

LambdaTest Test Intelligence platform is now live with flaky test detection to help you identify the flaky tests in your test suite. It provides you with a list of tests that are flaky and the reason behind the flakiness of the test. 

You can also view the history of the flaky tests and the number of times the test has failed in the past. This helps you to identify the flaky tests and fix them to improve the quality of your test suite.

Check the documentation - Flaky Test Detection with Test Intelligence.


New Tunnel Flags for NTLM Authentication

LambdaTest Tunnel now offers support for NTLM authentication, a Microsoft-specific authentication mechanism used on IIS Servers. To use this feature, we've introduced two new flags: --ntlm-username and --ntlm-password.


Test on the Latest iPhone 15 Simulators with iOS 17

You can now test your web and native mobile apps on the latest iPhone 15 Series running iOS 17. The available iPhone 15 Simulators include the following models: 

  • iPhone 15
  • iPhone 15 Pro, Pro Max
  • iPhone 15 Plus 


LambdaTest Integration With Axosoft

LambdaTest now offers integration with Axosoft to enable the creation and management of bugs or issues directly from the LambdaTest platform.

To use this integration, visit the documentation - LambdaTest Integration With Axosoft.

Start Testing 🚀 

Live With SmartUI CLI, Test Case Insights, iOS Biometric Authentication & New Browsers


SmartUI CLI for Visual Regression Testing

We've just introduced a SmartUI CLI to make visual regression testing easier and more convenient for you. With this, you can now perform visual regression testing effortlessly right from your command line terminal.

It's easy to get started with SmartUI CLI -

  1. Install the necessary dependencies.
  2. Create a URL file.
  3. Configure your project token.
  4. Create and configure SmartUI config.
  5. Execute the tests on the SmartUI cloud using CLI.

For more details, check the documentation SmartUI CLI.

Test Analytics

Get Test Case Insights in Test Analytics for HyperExecute

We have now added two new widgets in LambdaTest Analytics: the Test Cases Health Snapshot and the Test Cases View for HyperExecute. These widgets are designed to make it easier for you to dive into the details of your test execution at the individual test case level. 

With these features, you can now access in-depth information about the number and types of test cases. The best part is that you can customize these widgets and apply advanced filters to tailor your analysis according to your specific needs. It's all about giving you the tools to gain a deeper understanding of your test cases and their performance.  


Biometric Authentication for iOS

LambdaTest now supports biometric authentication on real devices for iOS 13 and above versions. With this new feature, you can test the biometric authentication functionality in your iOS apps to ensure that the app provides an optimal user experience on various iOS devices and platforms.

Head over to our documentation to get started with Biometric Authentication.


The latest browser versions to enhance your cross browser testing capabilities are now live.

  • Chrome 117 Beta, 116, 115
  • Firefox 118 Beta, 117, 116
  • Edge 117 Beta, 116, 115 
  • Opera 102, 101, 100
  • Brave 1.57, 1.56, 1.53

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Test on macOS Sonoma, and Android 14 Beta

Hey folks 👋 

Check out the fresh set of features that went live on LambdaTest 👇 

Real Time Browser Testing

📌 You can now perform real time testing on macOS Sonoma exclusively on the LambdaTest platform and ensure a quality web experience with this cutting-edge macOS update. Test your websites and web applications right away across various real browsers running real macOS Sonoma.

Real Devices

📌 Now test your mobile web & native apps on Android 14 (Beta) on real Android devices and ensure your mobile applications are fully optimized and ready to excel on Android 14.

📌 For App Automation, we have made a few enhancements in the network logs functionality to provide you with better visibility and control. Some enhancements include advanced search and filter operations on the network logs, improved usability, and download network logs in .HAR format.


📌 LambdaTest has now integrated with Airbrake, a bug-monitoring and tracking tool that lets you effortlessly track and monitor bugs while performing cross browser testing directly from the LambdaTest platform to your Airbrake instance, eliminating the need for manual maintenance of tasks and issues. 

To use this integration, check out the documentation - Airbrake Integration with LambdaTest

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Introducing the LambdaTest New Application Life Cycle Policy

Hey folks 👋 

In our ongoing effort to provide a seamless and efficient testing environment, we at LambdaTest are implementing a new Application Life Cycle Policy. 

As of 25th June 2023, any application uploaded to our platform will remain available for a duration of 90 days from the upload date. After this period, the application will be automatically deleted from our cloud.

This policy change aims to manage system resources more effectively, ensuring high performance for all end-users and customers. We recognize the importance of your applications in your testing processes. Therefore, we highly recommend maintaining local backups of your applications to prevent any disruptions to your workflows.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this new policy, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to improve our services to suit your needs better.

Debug iOS Apps using Safari Web Inspector

Hey Folks 😃 

LambdaTest's Browser Testing now supports Safari Web Inspector on real iOS devices. You can now debug web apps in iOS Safari sessions with our native Safari Web Inspector.

In addition, here are some minor feature additions and bug fixes.

📌 In Real Device App Testing, you can now view the version of your uploaded apps in the app listing section.


📌 Previously, the app listing section in LambdaTest's Real Device App Testing displayed the time at which the user last synced App Centre with LambdaTest, rather than the exact time when the app was uploaded to the App Centre. 

However, we have now updated the app listing section to show the precise time at which the app was uploaded to the App Centre.

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Test on Latest Browsers, and FogBugz Integration

Hey folks 😀 

Here are a new set of features from LambdaTest's Real Time Testing 👇 

Latest Browsers in Real Time Testing  🕑 

  • Chrome 110 Beta, 109 
  • Firefox 110 Beta, 109 
  • Edge 110 Beta, 109
  • Opera 95

Newest Integration with FogBugz 🔗 

Avoid the hassle of maintaining bugs and tasks manually. With our newest integration with FogBugz, file bugs in a single click while performing cross browser testing of your website from the LambdaTest platform to your FogBugz instance.

Other Enhancements: The LambdaTest Integration for Zapier has been optimized for improved performance  

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Expedite your XCUI App Automation with HyperExecute

Hey, there👋 

Glad to announce that LambdaTest's XCUI automation cloud now supports running XCUI tests via HyperExecute on real devices. 

Using this feature, you can speed up your testing cycles by splitting the XCUI test cases into shards and running them in parallel to save time while running other XCUI tests. 

For more details, please refer to our support document - Sharding for XCUI

In addition, here are some more features added to real-time and automated app testing.

  • While running real-time app tests, team members can now copy their App ID for the app they upload.

  • The Apple News app is now available on iOS devices.
  • An admin can now stop a build or test running in their organization.
  • Support for iOS App Settings in app automation to change permissions for Camera, Contacts, Photos, etc. For more details, check our guide, iOS App Settings.

Give a spin to these new features 🌀

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