Hey People 😀
We at LambdaTest are thrilled to partner with Zapier, a cloud-based platform that allows you to automate workflows between your apps and your services easily.
To learn more, visit our article on LambdaTest and Zapier integration
Hey People 😀
We at LambdaTest are thrilled to partner with Zapier, a cloud-based platform that allows you to automate workflows between your apps and your services easily.
To learn more, visit our article on LambdaTest and Zapier integration
Hello Folks 😀
We are pleased to announce the latest integrations that make it easier to streamline your testing workflows. 🤝
✅ LambdaTest integration with algoQA
✅ LambdaTest integration with Bugasura
Give our new integrations a spin 🚀
To make your web automation more productive than ever, we at LambdaTest are thrilled to announce our integration with Siesta by Bryntum -a JavaScript and UI testing tool for web pages and Node.js processes. 🚀
The LambdaTest and Siesta integration allow you to perform automated testing of websites or web apps on an online browser farm of 3000+ browsers and OS combinations.
Hey Folks 👋
We at LambdaTest are pleased to announce our partnership with Deque to enable you to integrate Accessibility testing into your QA process easily.
With Deque‘s axe digital accessibility toolkit, you can automate accessibility tests of websites and Android web applications and gain greater visibility into accessibility issues.
Hey Folks 👋
We are always adding new third-party integrations with your favorite tools to make your testing experience smoother.
Check out our two newest integrations 🤝
Try out our new integrations 🚀
Hey Testers 😀
To ease the testing process for you, we are constantly updating our list of integrations with your favorite tools.
Check out our two new integrations 🤝
Give our new integrations a spin 🚀
Hey Folks 😀
Are you a member of the open-source community? 🔓
Now enjoy free exclusive access to 10 HyperExecute parallel sessions and unlimited access to TAS for any open source project. 🚀
Hey Testers 😀
Glad to announce that LambdaTest integrates with Datadog! 🚀
Users can now signup with LambdaTest through the Datadog Marketplace, enabling them to send data directly and log bugs while performing cross-browser testing of websites (and web apps). 🕸️
Hey Testers 👋
The latest release of LT Browser is here with the new features & enhancements! 💥
1. Choose The Download Location Of Media Files 📁
You can now choose the location to download your media files. Just click on the Download
button, select the desired location, and save the media files.
2. Save Media Files On Cloud Or Local System
You can now save the media files on the cloud (not applicable for freemium users after 14 days) or simply to your local system (applicable for both premium and freemium users).
3. Media Pagination 📄
Till now, the LT Browser Media tab shows a maximum of 10 screenshots and 50 videos, with no option to see more images/videos. To fix this, we've added a Load More
button, allowing you to view more media files.
4. Autofill Feature In The URL Search Bar 🔎
With the autofill feature for the URL search bar, you'll now get the relevant suggestions while typing your search query.
5. Mark And Share Error/Bug Reports 🐞
You can now mark and share bug reports for single or multiple errors. To share the error reports with your teammates/colleagues, you will need an email address.
6. View Resolution For Different Device Viewports
You can now view the common resolutions for different device viewports for Desktops, Mobiles & Tablets In the Add Custom Device section.
Until now you need to click on the New tab to type the search query. To minimize your efforts, you can now start typing the search query without any extra click in the URL bar.
Kick start your responsive testing with these new features & let us know your experiences & feedback on the LT Browser Feedback board.
Happy Testing!
Hey developers, testers, and avid users of LT Browser. We are here with some super exciting news! 🤩💥
All the essential features of LT Browser are now 'Free for LifeTime' 🚀💯
This is one of the many initiatives that we at LambdaTest are taking to simplify the lives of developers and QA Engineers! 🙌 📳
Happy Testing!