Introducing the New LambdaTest UI Across All Products

Hey folks 👋 

Today, we announce a brand new user interface (UI) coming to all LambdaTest products! This update marks a significant step forward in our mission to deliver an exceptional testing experience and elevate your efficiency.

We understand the importance of a smooth transition, so we'll be rolling out the new UI in phases. This allows us to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your workflow. We'll also be gathering your valuable feedback throughout the process to continuously refine and optimize the experience.

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HyperExecute: Enhance Your Development Efficiency with our Latest Releases

Release Announcement HyperExecute 

Streamline Maven Runtime Support in your Projects 🧑‍💻

Enhance your development process with Maven runtime support in HyperExecute. Enjoy seamless integration and optimized performance for Maven-based projects, making your execution process even more efficient.

📕 Check the documentation to setup Maven support

Detailed Control with Regex Retry Option ⚙️

Regular expressions offer precise control, allowing you to fine-tune when test retries are triggered. Specify the exact situations where you want tests to run again, ensuring optimal resource utilization and laser-focused testing execution

📗 Read the documentation

Streamline Naming with Artifact-Matrix Parameter Value 📝

Simplify artifact management by replacing artifact names with browser-parameter values. This enhancement ensures consistency and clarity in your project, making it easier to manage and track artifacts associated with different parameters.

📘 Read the documentation

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Beta Browser Support in HyperExecute


HyperExecute now supports beta browsers for the Windows Platform! 🎉

This means you can now test your web applications on the latest beta versions of popular browsers for the Windows platform, ensuring compatibility and catching potential issues early on.

Here's what's new:

  • Beta Browser Deployment: Easily deploy beta browsers on HyperExecute, just as you would stable browsers.
  • Expanded Testing Coverage: Expand your testing coverage to include beta browser versions, identifying potential compatibility issues before they impact your users.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Get ahead of the game by testing on beta browsers and ensuring your web applications are ready for the latest browser features.

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Introducing New Features in HyperExecute

Semaphore CI/CD Pipeline Integration with HyperExecute: Seamless Test Executions and Shorter Test Cycles

Semaphore CI/CD is a popular cloud-based platform that helps engineering teams of all sizes build, test, and deploy their software faster and more reliably. HyperExecute is a powerful test execution platform that offers unparalleled speed, efficiency, scalability, and compatibility. 

The new integration between Semaphore CI/CD and HyperExecute will allow teams to execute their tests on HyperExecute's cloud infrastructure seamlessly. This can help teams significantly shorten their test cycles and deliver software faster.

📕 For more details, check the documentation.

Run Smart UI Tests from HyperExecute using Cypress Framework

Cypress is a popular JavaScript framework for developing end-to-end UI tests. It offers several advantages over other UI testing frameworks, including speed, simplicity, and reliability. HyperExecute now supports the Cypress framework, allowing teams to run their Cypress UI tests on our cloud infrastructure, thus helping teams improve the quality of their UI tests and reduce the time to test their applications.

📕 Head over to our documentation to get started with SmartUI on HYP using Cypress

HyperExecute Now Supports Maven/JUnit4, Maven/JUnit5, Wdio/Mocha, and Wdio/Jasmine Frameworks

HyperExecute now supports four popular testing frameworks: Maven/JUnit4, Maven/JUnit5, Wdio/Mocha, and Wdio/Jasmine. Teams can now use HyperExecute to execute their tests in a wider range of programming languages and environments. Adding support for these four frameworks makes HyperExecute a more versatile and powerful test execution platform.

📕 For more details, check the documentation.


Now Test Your Mobile Apps on Android 14

Are your web and mobile apps ready for Android 14? 

Test them now on LambdaTest virtual device cloud running the latest Android 14 Emulators and ensure your web and native mobile apps are compatible with the latest Android 14. 📱 🌐 

Here are the following Emulators supporting Android 14:

  • Google Pixel 7 Pro
  • Google Pixel 7
  • OnePlus 11 5G
  • realme GT2 Pro 

Start testing on Android 14

App Automation on Emulators and Simulators, Flaky Test Detection With Test Intelligence, Latest iPhone 15 Simulators, and More


App Automation on Emulators and Simulators 

LambdaTest now supports App Automation on Emulators and Simulators. With this feature, you can automate mobile apps on a virtual device cloud of Emulators and Simulators. Currently, this feature is available in the Beta phase, with support for the Appium framework.

Head over to our documentation to get started - App Automation Using Emulators and Simulators on LambdaTest.


DOM Comparison for Playwright and Puppeteer

While performing visual regression testing, if you have any dynamic elements that are not in the same position across test runs, you can now ignore/select a specific area to be removed from the comparison using the Playwright and Puppeteer framework. 

Refer to the documentation to get started - Handle Dynamic Elements in SmartUI.


AI-Powered Flaky Test Detection 

LambdaTest Test Intelligence platform is now live with flaky test detection to help you identify the flaky tests in your test suite. It provides you with a list of tests that are flaky and the reason behind the flakiness of the test. 

You can also view the history of the flaky tests and the number of times the test has failed in the past. This helps you to identify the flaky tests and fix them to improve the quality of your test suite.

Check the documentation - Flaky Test Detection with Test Intelligence.


New Tunnel Flags for NTLM Authentication

LambdaTest Tunnel now offers support for NTLM authentication, a Microsoft-specific authentication mechanism used on IIS Servers. To use this feature, we've introduced two new flags: --ntlm-username and --ntlm-password.


Test on the Latest iPhone 15 Simulators with iOS 17

You can now test your web and native mobile apps on the latest iPhone 15 Series running iOS 17. The available iPhone 15 Simulators include the following models: 

  • iPhone 15
  • iPhone 15 Pro, Pro Max
  • iPhone 15 Plus 


LambdaTest Integration With Axosoft

LambdaTest now offers integration with Axosoft to enable the creation and management of bugs or issues directly from the LambdaTest platform.

To use this integration, visit the documentation - LambdaTest Integration With Axosoft.

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Live With SmartUI CLI, Test Case Insights, iOS Biometric Authentication & New Browsers


SmartUI CLI for Visual Regression Testing

We've just introduced a SmartUI CLI to make visual regression testing easier and more convenient for you. With this, you can now perform visual regression testing effortlessly right from your command line terminal.

It's easy to get started with SmartUI CLI -

  1. Install the necessary dependencies.
  2. Create a URL file.
  3. Configure your project token.
  4. Create and configure SmartUI config.
  5. Execute the tests on the SmartUI cloud using CLI.

For more details, check the documentation SmartUI CLI.

Test Analytics

Get Test Case Insights in Test Analytics for HyperExecute

We have now added two new widgets in LambdaTest Analytics: the Test Cases Health Snapshot and the Test Cases View for HyperExecute. These widgets are designed to make it easier for you to dive into the details of your test execution at the individual test case level. 

With these features, you can now access in-depth information about the number and types of test cases. The best part is that you can customize these widgets and apply advanced filters to tailor your analysis according to your specific needs. It's all about giving you the tools to gain a deeper understanding of your test cases and their performance.  


Biometric Authentication for iOS

LambdaTest now supports biometric authentication on real devices for iOS 13 and above versions. With this new feature, you can test the biometric authentication functionality in your iOS apps to ensure that the app provides an optimal user experience on various iOS devices and platforms.

Head over to our documentation to get started with Biometric Authentication.


The latest browser versions to enhance your cross browser testing capabilities are now live.

  • Chrome 117 Beta, 116, 115
  • Firefox 118 Beta, 117, 116
  • Edge 117 Beta, 116, 115 
  • Opera 102, 101, 100
  • Brave 1.57, 1.56, 1.53

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Test on macOS Sonoma, and Android 14 Beta

Hey folks 👋 

Check out the fresh set of features that went live on LambdaTest 👇 

Real Time Browser Testing

📌 You can now perform real time testing on macOS Sonoma exclusively on the LambdaTest platform and ensure a quality web experience with this cutting-edge macOS update. Test your websites and web applications right away across various real browsers running real macOS Sonoma.

Real Devices

📌 Now test your mobile web & native apps on Android 14 (Beta) on real Android devices and ensure your mobile applications are fully optimized and ready to excel on Android 14.

📌 For App Automation, we have made a few enhancements in the network logs functionality to provide you with better visibility and control. Some enhancements include advanced search and filter operations on the network logs, improved usability, and download network logs in .HAR format.


📌 LambdaTest has now integrated with Airbrake, a bug-monitoring and tracking tool that lets you effortlessly track and monitor bugs while performing cross browser testing directly from the LambdaTest platform to your Airbrake instance, eliminating the need for manual maintenance of tasks and issues. 

To use this integration, check out the documentation - Airbrake Integration with LambdaTest

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Coding Jag Weekly: 143rd Issue is out

Welcome to the 143rd edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

From intelligent test automation to advanced analytics and predictive insights, AI brings forth a myriad of opportunities to enhance the QA process. It also challenges the role of QA professionals in this AI-driven world.

In this issue of Coding Jag, we'll explore the role of QA professionals in maintaining a balance between human expertise and artificial intelligence.

Stay ahead with the latest testing news; sign up for our Coding Jag today!

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