Live With SmartUI CLI, Test Case Insights, iOS Biometric Authentication & New Browsers


SmartUI CLI for Visual Regression Testing

We've just introduced a SmartUI CLI to make visual regression testing easier and more convenient for you. With this, you can now perform visual regression testing effortlessly right from your command line terminal.

It's easy to get started with SmartUI CLI -

  1. Install the necessary dependencies.
  2. Create a URL file.
  3. Configure your project token.
  4. Create and configure SmartUI config.
  5. Execute the tests on the SmartUI cloud using CLI.

For more details, check the documentation SmartUI CLI.

Test Analytics

Get Test Case Insights in Test Analytics for HyperExecute

We have now added two new widgets in LambdaTest Analytics: the Test Cases Health Snapshot and the Test Cases View for HyperExecute. These widgets are designed to make it easier for you to dive into the details of your test execution at the individual test case level. 

With these features, you can now access in-depth information about the number and types of test cases. The best part is that you can customize these widgets and apply advanced filters to tailor your analysis according to your specific needs. It's all about giving you the tools to gain a deeper understanding of your test cases and their performance.  


Biometric Authentication for iOS

LambdaTest now supports biometric authentication on real devices for iOS 13 and above versions. With this new feature, you can test the biometric authentication functionality in your iOS apps to ensure that the app provides an optimal user experience on various iOS devices and platforms.

Head over to our documentation to get started with Biometric Authentication.


The latest browser versions to enhance your cross browser testing capabilities are now live.

  • Chrome 117 Beta, 116, 115
  • Firefox 118 Beta, 117, 116
  • Edge 117 Beta, 116, 115 
  • Opera 102, 101, 100
  • Brave 1.57, 1.56, 1.53

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Sharding for Espresso, Background Services in HyperExecute, and SmartUI Testing for PDFs

APP Automation

Sharding for Espresso Testing

LambdaTest App Automation now supports running Espresso tests via HyperExecute on real devices. Using this feature, you can speed up your testing cycles by splitting the Espresso test cases into shards and running them in parallel to save time while running other Espresso tests.  

For more details, please refer to our support document - Sharding for Espresso.


Background Services in HyperExecute

Background Services in HyperExecute serve as a functionality primarily employed for running extended-duration Application Servers. Triggering these background services can be achieved through background or backgroundDirectives attributе within thе HyperExecute YAML configuration filе.

Refer to our getting started guide - Background Services in HyperExecute.

SmartUI Testing 

SmartUI Testing for PDF Files

We now support visual regression testing of PDF files that intelligently analyzes the visual content and structure of a PDF document and perform tests to ensure its correctness, readability, and layout consistency.

To begin PDF testing, check out the documentation - SmartUI Testing for PDF Files.

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New Features: Web Automation and HyperExecute


Auto Healing to Overcome Test Flakiness 🩹 

Test flakiness and unexpected failures can be really frustrating. But worry not! With our AI-powered Auto Healing feature, you can now automatically recover from certain test failures, reduce flakiness and proactively handle unexpected errors, improving the overall reliability of your test suites. 

📕 Check the documentation - Auto Healing for Selenium Web Automation.

Geolocation Testing for Cities 🌎 

LambdaTеst now offеrs еxclusivе support for Gеolocation tеsting for citiеs. Through this functionality, you can now gain thе еffortlеss ability to mimic gеolocation coordinatеs for various cities while performing automated browser testing. This feature is supported for framеworks such as Sеlеnium, Cyprеss, Playwright, Puppеtееr, and k6. 


Download Consolidated HTML Reports for Playwright Tests 📜 

Our latest updatе in HyperExecute еnablеs you to download consolidatеd HTML rеports for your Playwright tеsts. This translatеs to comprеhеnsivе and mеticulously organizеd rеports that еncompass all vital tеst run dеtails in a singlе location. Through thе downloadablе consolidatеd HTML rеports, you can quickly rеtriеvе and sеamlеssly sharе tеst rеsults with your tеam and stakеholdеrs. 

📕 For morе information, rеfеr to thе documеntation - Consolidatеd Playwright HTML Rеport on HypеrExеcutе.

Run Tests With Quiet Mode Functionality 🔇 

With еvеry job еxеcution in HypеrExеcutе, significant numbеr of logs arе gеnеratеd. Whilе thеsе logs arе valuablе for in-dеpth dеbugging and analysis, wе also undеrstand that thеy can somеtimеs ovеrwhеlm Continuous Intеgration (CI) systеms, particularly during еxtеnsivе tеst еxеcutions.

To address this concern and provide you with morе control over logging output, we have introduced thе all-nеw Quiеt Modе in HypеrExеcutе. This fеaturе allows you to strеamlinе your tеst runs by displaying only thе most rеlеvant updatеs during thе tеst еxеcution. By doing so, you can now run your tеsts with significantly fеwеr logs without compromising on thе quality of dеbugging and analysis.

📕 Refer to the documentation to learn more - Quiet Mode in HyperExecute.

Schedule Test Execution With HyperExecute Workflow 🕝 

With HyperExecute Workflow, you can now easily schеdulе tеst runs and makе your tеsting procеss smoothеr than еvеr. Whеthеr you nееd tеsts to run rеgularly or at spеcific intеrvals, HypеrExеcutе Workflow has you covеrеd. By automating tеst schеduling, you can usе rеsourcеs bеttеr, and еnsurе tеsts run at thе right timеs without manual еffort. 

📕 Head over to the documentation - HyperExecute Workflow.

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SmartUI & Analytics: Latest Features and Enhancements

Our team is excited to announce the new features and enhancements to LambdaTest's SmartUI and Analytics Platform. Let's take a look at them.


Test on Edge Browser 🌐 

SmartUI now supports Edge browser in addition to other supported browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and more. Using Storybook, you can test your software application's UI components on the Edge browser to ensure they function and render perfectly.

Capture Full Page Screenshots with Auto-Height Detection 📷 

Earlier A/B testing of images with SmartUI requires you to take full-page screenshots to make more informed decisions. In addition, capturing full-page screenshots in Storybook also requires manual configuration of the page height.

With the Auto Height Detection feature, now you can capture full-page screenshots by automatically detecting and adjusting the page height and avoid the hassle of manually specifying the height parameter in the configuration file.

Integration of GitHub App with Playwright 🔁 

SmartUI now integrates the GitHub App with Playwright, allowing you to link your GitHub repositories directly to your LambdaTest's SmartUI accounts. 

With SmartUI, you and your teams can easily share test scripts, review changes, and provide feedback within their GitHub repositories. With any CI tool on GitHub, you can get information about the status of visual regression builds and pull and push requests.


LambdaTest Test Analytics Templates 📰 

With the new Test Analytics Templates, you can now access pre-built templates that provide comprehensive insight into your test results, making it easier to analyze and interpret the information. 

These templates provide a structured framework for the presentation of test analytics, allowing you to customize and visualize their data in a visual and meaningful manner. You and your teams can save time and effort by leveraging these templates instead of creating test reports from scratch.

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New Features Galore in Real Devices

Hey folks 😀 

Our team has been highly productive during the past couple of weeks, so we are thrilled to present you with an array of fresh and exciting new features in real device testing.

Let's take a look 👇 

🔹 Real Device Integration with HyperExecute 

Say goodbye to procuring virtual devices and embrace the true power of real devices with HyperExecute. With the Real Device and HyperExecute integration, you can test on a wide range of mobile devices at blazing-fast speeds over the cloud, empowering teams to supercharge their app testing process, accelerating time to market, and ensuring exceptional quality.

To get started, check our step-by-step guide Real Device Integration with HyperExecute.

🔹 Flutter Dart Testing

With Dart as its programming language, Flutter enables the fast development of mobile apps with a highly productive, extensible, and open-source set of features. 

Now harness the immense capabilities of Flutter Dart and LambdaTest's Real device cloud and ensure your mobile app functions flawlessly across different mobile devices and platforms.

Check our documentation to get started with Flutter Dart Testing on LambdaTest.

🔹 Install and Uninstall Apps in App Automation Scripts

You can install and uninstall specified applications within app automation scripts via webhooks. These commands can be executed using the script execution functionality of the WebDriver. You can install apps that have been uploaded to the LambdaTest platform within your automation scripts. 

For more details, visit our guide, Install and Uninstall Apps in App Automation Scripts.

🔹Biometric Authentication for Android 

LambdaTest now supports biometric authentication on real Android devices. With this new feature, you can test the biometric authentication functionality in your mobile apps to ensure that the app provides an optimal user experience on various devices and platforms.

Head over to our documentation to get started with Biometric Authentication.

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Smart Crop for Visual Regression Testing using Appium

With SmartUI's new real-device mobile notification status bar crop feature, you can take your Appium visual regression testing workflows to the next level. 

By using Smart Crop, you can crop out the status bar from screenshots and focus solely on the core UI elements during visual comparisons.

SmartUI leverages machine learning algorithms to detect and crop the status bar from screenshots accurately. This allows you to concentrate solely on the important UI elements by excluding them from visual comparisons. 

Original Screenshot:

Cropped Screenshot:

 📕 Read our blog to know more about the Smart Crop feature.

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Coding Jag Weekly: 143rd Issue is out

Welcome to the 143rd edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

From intelligent test automation to advanced analytics and predictive insights, AI brings forth a myriad of opportunities to enhance the QA process. It also challenges the role of QA professionals in this AI-driven world.

In this issue of Coding Jag, we'll explore the role of QA professionals in maintaining a balance between human expertise and artificial intelligence.

Stay ahead with the latest testing news; sign up for our Coding Jag today!

Unveiling AI-Powered Test Failure Analysis and Command Logs Status

Hey developers and testers 👋 

We are thrilled to introduce two game-changing features that will empower you to excel and stay ahead of your testing game. Check out below 👇 

AI-Powered Test Failure Analysis in HyperExecute 📈 

Now avoid the hassle of searching through multiple logs, analyze manual data, and investigate failed tests to find the root cause. Our AI-powered Test Failure Analysis helps you quickly identify failure types and resolve test failures. 

With our AI-Powered Test Failure Analysis, you can

  • Automatically structure and categorize errors for efficient resolution.
  • You can get RCAs, remediation steps, and additional suggestions for resolving failed tests in one place.
  • Streamlined bug fixes with significantly shorter resolution times.
  • Enhance the testing experience, increase productivity, and deliver high-quality software more quickly.

Command Log Analytics 📊 

Our test intelligence analytics platform has been enhanced to provide users with enhanced control over Selenium command logs. 

Here are some key features of Command Log Analytics:

  • The Command Log Error Categorization feature allows you to quickly identify issues with your tests that have been found with unique errors over time.
  • Using Command Logs Error Trends, you can monitor HTTP response statuses for commands triggered in browsers over time.
  • By analyzing Command Logs Type Trends, you can visualize endpoint usage and prioritize bug fixes.


Coding Jag Weekly: 141st Issue is out

Welcome to the 141st edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

Quality and reliability are essential aspects of software development, which is why testing is so important. However, what if the test doesn't produce the desired results? Does it automatically mean a setback, or could it be a stepping stone to improvement?

In this issue of Coding Jag, we'll explore how embracing failure in testing can foster a culture of continuous improvement, encourage experimentation, and ultimately lead to more robust and innovative solutions.

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Coding Jag Weekly: 139th Issue is out

Welcome to the 139th edition of Coding Jag brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

In today's digital landscape, Selenium has emerged as a cornerstone in the world of test automation. However, despite its strengths, Selenium tests can sometimes exhibit instability, leading to flaky and unreliable results.

In this issue of Coding Jag, we navigate the hurdles to maximize the potential of Selenium as a test automation framework.

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