Basic Authentication Support for Safari Web Automation

Hey folks 😀 

We are pleased to announce the basic authentication support for Safari browser automation on real iOS devices. 🔐 

To еnablе Basic Authеntication in Safari for tеsting iOS wеb applications,  wе havе implеmеntеd a nеw Lambda Hook spеcifically dеsignеd for iOS rеal dеvicе wеb sеssions. It's important to note that this Lambda Hook is not compatiblе with app-basеd sessions.  

For more details, please refer to our documentation Basic Authentication for Safari Web Automation.

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Testμ Online Conference is Back - Decode the Future of Testing

Gеt ready to gеar up for TеstμConf 2023! 📺 

This highly anticipatеd and largеst frее onlinе community-lеd confеrеncе in thе tеsting landscapе is making a comеback with thе following highlights:

✅ 03 Days event
🎙️ 45+ Global Speakers
💻 30+ Sessions
⏲️ 2000+Minutes
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 10000+ Attendees 

Also, join Delta Awards to celebrate, recognize, and reward testers & developers.🏆

Stand a chance to win prizеs worth up to $7500! 

👉 Register for Testμ 2023 

New Features Galore in Real Devices

Hey folks 😀 

Our team has been highly productive during the past couple of weeks, so we are thrilled to present you with an array of fresh and exciting new features in real device testing.

Let's take a look 👇 

🔹 Real Device Integration with HyperExecute 

Say goodbye to procuring virtual devices and embrace the true power of real devices with HyperExecute. With the Real Device and HyperExecute integration, you can test on a wide range of mobile devices at blazing-fast speeds over the cloud, empowering teams to supercharge their app testing process, accelerating time to market, and ensuring exceptional quality.

To get started, check our step-by-step guide Real Device Integration with HyperExecute.

🔹 Flutter Dart Testing

With Dart as its programming language, Flutter enables the fast development of mobile apps with a highly productive, extensible, and open-source set of features. 

Now harness the immense capabilities of Flutter Dart and LambdaTest's Real device cloud and ensure your mobile app functions flawlessly across different mobile devices and platforms.

Check our documentation to get started with Flutter Dart Testing on LambdaTest.

🔹 Install and Uninstall Apps in App Automation Scripts

You can install and uninstall specified applications within app automation scripts via webhooks. These commands can be executed using the script execution functionality of the WebDriver. You can install apps that have been uploaded to the LambdaTest platform within your automation scripts. 

For more details, visit our guide, Install and Uninstall Apps in App Automation Scripts.

🔹Biometric Authentication for Android 

LambdaTest now supports biometric authentication on real Android devices. With this new feature, you can test the biometric authentication functionality in your mobile apps to ensure that the app provides an optimal user experience on various devices and platforms.

Head over to our documentation to get started with Biometric Authentication.

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Introducing the LambdaTest New Application Life Cycle Policy

Hey folks 👋 

In our ongoing effort to provide a seamless and efficient testing environment, we at LambdaTest are implementing a new Application Life Cycle Policy. 

As of 25th June 2023, any application uploaded to our platform will remain available for a duration of 90 days from the upload date. After this period, the application will be automatically deleted from our cloud.

This policy change aims to manage system resources more effectively, ensuring high performance for all end-users and customers. We recognize the importance of your applications in your testing processes. Therefore, we highly recommend maintaining local backups of your applications to prevent any disruptions to your workflows.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this new policy, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to improve our services to suit your needs better.

Coding Jag Weekly: 143rd Issue is out

Welcome to the 143rd edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

From intelligent test automation to advanced analytics and predictive insights, AI brings forth a myriad of opportunities to enhance the QA process. It also challenges the role of QA professionals in this AI-driven world.

In this issue of Coding Jag, we'll explore the role of QA professionals in maintaining a balance between human expertise and artificial intelligence.

Stay ahead with the latest testing news; sign up for our Coding Jag today!

Coding Jag Weekly: 141st Issue is out

Welcome to the 141st edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

Quality and reliability are essential aspects of software development, which is why testing is so important. However, what if the test doesn't produce the desired results? Does it automatically mean a setback, or could it be a stepping stone to improvement?

In this issue of Coding Jag, we'll explore how embracing failure in testing can foster a culture of continuous improvement, encourage experimentation, and ultimately lead to more robust and innovative solutions.

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Coding Jag Weekly: 139th Issue is out

Welcome to the 139th edition of Coding Jag brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

In today's digital landscape, Selenium has emerged as a cornerstone in the world of test automation. However, despite its strengths, Selenium tests can sometimes exhibit instability, leading to flaky and unreliable results.

In this issue of Coding Jag, we navigate the hurdles to maximize the potential of Selenium as a test automation framework.

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Coding Jag Weekly: 138th Issue is out

Welcome to the 138th edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

AI has already made significant strides in automating routine tasks in the software development and testing process. As these capabilities become increasingly sophisticated, there is a growing concern about the potential impact they have on the careers of developers and testers.

In this edition of Coding Jag, we explore the ever-increasing role of AI in software development and testing and discuss how professionals can prepare for the changes that lie ahead.


Coding Jag Weekly: 137th Issue is out

Welcome to the 137th edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

The goal of testing isn't just to find bugs; it's also to uphold a set of ideals that guide the whole process. 

The ethos of testing includes principles such as quality, transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement.  

In this issue of Coding Jag, we explore the critical role testing plays in software development.


Coding Jag Weekly: 136th Issue is out

Welcome to the 136th edition of Coding Jag, brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

In the Software Development Life Cycle (SDCL), testing is an essential part of ensuring quality and functionality. 

Software testing looks exciting and challenging as technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate.

In this issue of Coding Jag, we explore what the future of software testing looks like and what it means for software testers in terms of their roles, responsibilities, and the skills they need to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry.


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