Introducing the Newest Features in Visual Regression Testing

We have rolled out the latest additions to the LambdaTest Visual Regression Testing cloud to enhance the UI quality assurance process and help you catch visual bugs early. 💻 

Here are some of the key features:

Git Baseline Branching for Storybook Builds

We're introducing an intelligent Git-based baseline branching system that simplifies baseline build selection for your Storybook builds. This feature automatically selects the appropriate baseline build based on the code changes committed to Git. To help you track these changes, we're providing commit numbers and commit messages for your reference.

Key benefits:

  • Streamlined baseline build selection process.
  • Easy tracking of code changes and related builds.

Refer to our documentation: Git Branching Strategy in Smart UI.

✅ Storybook Static Build Support Enhancements

We've updated our NPM package to the version 1.1.4, which brings improvements to your Storybook static build support. This update allows you to compress your Storybook static folder and run stories across various browsers and resolutions specified in your .smartui.json configuration file.

Key benefits:

  • Improved compression of Storybook static folder.
  • Support for advanced web elements like iframes, external resources, and canvas elements.

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Debug iOS Apps using Safari Web Inspector

Hey Folks 😃 

LambdaTest's Browser Testing now supports Safari Web Inspector on real iOS devices. You can now debug web apps in iOS Safari sessions with our native Safari Web Inspector.

In addition, here are some minor feature additions and bug fixes.

📌 In Real Device App Testing, you can now view the version of your uploaded apps in the app listing section.


📌 Previously, the app listing section in LambdaTest's Real Device App Testing displayed the time at which the user last synced App Centre with LambdaTest, rather than the exact time when the app was uploaded to the App Centre. 

However, we have now updated the app listing section to show the precise time at which the app was uploaded to the App Centre.

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Test on Latest Browsers, and FogBugz Integration

Hey folks 😀 

Here are a new set of features from LambdaTest's Real Time Testing 👇 

Latest Browsers in Real Time Testing  🕑 

  • Chrome 110 Beta, 109 
  • Firefox 110 Beta, 109 
  • Edge 110 Beta, 109
  • Opera 95

Newest Integration with FogBugz 🔗 

Avoid the hassle of maintaining bugs and tasks manually. With our newest integration with FogBugz, file bugs in a single click while performing cross browser testing of your website from the LambdaTest platform to your FogBugz instance.

Other Enhancements: The LambdaTest Integration for Zapier has been optimized for improved performance  

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New features in Smart UI Testing

Hey Testers 😀 

LambdaTest's Visual Regression testing has rolled out some new features. Here are the ones.

  • Ability to compare static Storybook build files and run Smart UI tests using CI.
  • Now print the build report on the terminal logs upon completing your test runs. 

LambdaTest Analytics

  • Error Stats - In the Error Stats widget, we have now added the ability to inspect the jobs run on HyperExecute.

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Latest Features in LambdaTest Test Analytics

The LambdaTest Test Analytics platform has been upgraded with several new features. and enhancements. 📊 

Let's take a look 👇 

  • Support for filtering the dashboards by a particular time and date selection. This will help you get more precise results at the required timestamp.
  • Ability to edit the Dashboard Layout that helps you arrange your widgets according to the alignment of your choice.
  • New feature to copy or clone the existing dashboard with all the widgets and configurations, the same as the source dashboard, to explore more detailed insights by adding more widgets or filters without disturbing your current dashboard.
  • View the Job runs by Time Span Summary on every graph widget added for HyperExecute in the Dashboard. This feature is exclusive to HyperExecute users.

Bonus Additions

SmartUI Testing: LambdaTest Automation now allows you to perform visual regression testing using Puppeteer, Storybook, and GitHub App.

📕 Refer to the below guides to get started:

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Expedite your XCUI App Automation with HyperExecute

Hey, there👋 

Glad to announce that LambdaTest's XCUI automation cloud now supports running XCUI tests via HyperExecute on real devices. 

Using this feature, you can speed up your testing cycles by splitting the XCUI test cases into shards and running them in parallel to save time while running other XCUI tests. 

For more details, please refer to our support document - Sharding for XCUI

In addition, here are some more features added to real-time and automated app testing.

  • While running real-time app tests, team members can now copy their App ID for the app they upload.

  • The Apple News app is now available on iOS devices.
  • An admin can now stop a build or test running in their organization.
  • Support for iOS App Settings in app automation to change permissions for Camera, Contacts, Photos, etc. For more details, check our guide, iOS App Settings.

Give a spin to these new features 🌀

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Access Crash logs, support for lambdaMaskCommands, & more

Hey People 😀 

Here are some new features added to LambdaTest's App Automation 👇 

  • Now upload an app via cURL with sizes up to 1 GB. 
  • Support for lambdaMaskCommands to prevent sensitive data from appearing on the device. For more details, visit our guide on desired capabilities In Appium
  • Access crash logs for your test executions and quickly identify and debug errors for failed steps.

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Announcing support for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4

Are your mobile apps ready for the latest Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4

Test them now on LambdaTest's real device cloud running real Galaxy Z Fold4 and ensure your app work seamlessly on foldable devices. 📱  

Check how your app functions for the features like app continuity to prevent data losses while folding and unfolding the device, the app adaptability to Galaxy flex mode, and more.

Read our product announcement on Galaxy Z Fold4 for more details. 📄 

 👉 Start testing on Galaxy Z Fold4 

Camera Image Injection in Android, Idle Timeout support, and more

Hi there! 👋 

Here is a quick rundown of the latest additions to the manual and automated app testing for real devices 

Camera Image Injection 📷 

The Camera Injection feature for Android is now live in LambdaTest's App Testing.

Support for Idle Timeout 🕑 

Added support for Idle Timeout on Android and iOS devices.

New Parameters for Uploading App via App URL  

  1. custom_id: This parameter lets you change the way the LambdaTest cloud servers store the link while uploading an app using App URL.
  2. visibility:  Using this parameter, you can change the visibility of the application being uploaded. Once the app is uploaded using the team value, everyone in the organization can access the same App URL to run the tests.

Apply Visual and Exception filters at once   

In App Automation, now you can apply Visual and Exception filters simultaneously.

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