Real Time Testing: New Browsers, Geolocations, and more

Hey folks 😀 

We've got some new features for you this week. Check them out 👇

Test on New Browsers 

Browser Testing: Perform live-interactive online browser compatibility testing on the newly added browsers. 🌐 

  • Chrome 109 Beta, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104
  • Firefox 109 Beta, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103
  • Edge 109 Beta, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104 
  • Opera 94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 89

Screenshot: Capture automated screenshots to ensure a flawless digital experience on the following browsers. 📷 

  • Chrome 108, 107, 106, 105, 104
  • Firefox 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103
  • Edge 108, 107, 106, 105, 104 
  • Opera 94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 89

New Geolocation

Support for new IP Geolocation - Ashburn is now available. 🌍 


A few improvements have been made to adding inputs from the keyboard on Windows OS. 📝 

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[Voices of Community] Expecting the Unexpected: 2023 Technology Trends

Hey Folks 😀 

Join us on January 24th, 2023, for the next episode of Voices of Community on Expecting the Unexpected: 2023 Technology Trends 📺 

🕛  10:00-11:00 AM AST | 8:30-9:30 PM IST 


Speakers 🎤 

  • 👤 Tariq King - Vice President of Product-Service Systems, EPAM
  • 👤 Manoj Kumar - Vice President of DevRel and OSPO, LambdaTest

In this episode of Voices of Community, Tariq King will dive deep into what to expect in tech in 2023 when you expect the unexpected. 

He will share his ideas and thoughts on future trends in the industry and how individuals and organizations can position themselves to navigate the year successfully.

LambdaTest Test Analytics: New Features

Hey, testers 😀 

Check out these new features added to LambdaTest Test Analytics. 👇 

  • Filter the Test Case Health Snapshot view according to your Count of Tests.

  • Added support for cloning the widgets in the Analytics Dashboard.

  • The new Task Status Ratio widget provides information about the quality of your current tasks based on the status marked on the LambdaTest platform.

Give these new features a try!

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Support for Windows 11 in HyperExecute


Hey folks 😀 

LambdaTest's HyperExecute Cloud now supports the following new features 👇 

  • Now run end-to-end automated tests on Windows 11. You can configure this by adding runson a key in the HyperExecute YAML file. 

To run tests on Windows 11, set the value of the runson key to win11 as shown below.

version: 0.1
runson: win11
testSuiteTimeout: 90
autosplit: true
retryOnFailure: true
maxRetries: 1
concurrency: 2
globalTimeout: 150
testSuiteTimeout: 150
testSuiteStep: 150
  • HyperExecute now allows you to retry commands that might fail during the pre-stage level. 

To do this, configure the preDirectives key in the HyperExecute YAML file. 

     - mkdir -p m2_cache_dir
     - mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=$CACHE_DIR -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install
  maxRetries: 5

The value of the maxRetries key determines how many times you want to retry your commands.

Try out these new features 🚀 

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What's New in LambdaTest Test Analytics

Hey there 👋 

Check out the new features we recently added to LambdaTest Test Analytics 📊  

  Now click on the cards of the Test Summary widget in the Analytics Dashboard and get a detailed view of your tests, including Test Name, Test Status, Browser/ Device, Build Name, and more.

  You can now make your Analytics Dashboard private. It's a feature that allows you to restrict who can view it. In addition, you can also make the Test Analytics Dashboard password protected by setting up a custom password. 

 Start testing

Webinar Alert: LambdaTest Spartans’ End-of-Year Panel Discussion

Hey Folks 😀 

Join us on December 20th, 2022, for our upcoming webinar on LambdaTest Spartans’ End-of-Year Panel Discussion 📺 

🕛  10:30-11:30 AM EST, 8:30-9:30 PM IST 


Join Manoj Kumar, VP of Developer Relations and OSPO, LambdaTest, as he hosts a panel of LambdaTest Spartans - industry experts and thought leaders from different fields of testing and QA. 

Be a part of discussions ranging from advances in automation testing, the changing face of manual testing, the importance of agile practices and DevOps, innovations in cloud technologies, and more. 

Key Takeaways 🗝️

  • Understand the major changes that the testing and QA industry and community underwent.
  • Lessons that experts and thought leaders learned.
  • AMA with industry experts and thought leaders.
  • What lies ahead for the community in 2023?

Now run your Cypress tests using WebKit

Hey folks 😀 

LambdaTest's Automation now supports Cypress testing for WebKit, Safari's browser engine. By testing your web application using WebKit, you can get an idea of how your website or web app will run in Safari. 🌐 

We currently support WebKit on the following operating systems 👇 

  • Windows - 11 and 10
  • macOS - Monterey and Big Sur

Start testing now

Browser Testing: Support for uploading .CSV files

Hey folks 👋 

LambdaTest's Real Time Browser Testing now supports uploading .CSV files.  

You can upload your required .CSV files using Google Drive or another cloud storage service and open them in the remote VM. After downloading the file, it will be available in the remote VM of LambdaTest.

Upload now->

Announcing support for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4

Are your mobile apps ready for the latest Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4

Test them now on LambdaTest's real device cloud running real Galaxy Z Fold4 and ensure your app work seamlessly on foldable devices. 📱  

Check how your app functions for the features like app continuity to prevent data losses while folding and unfolding the device, the app adaptability to Galaxy flex mode, and more.

Read our product announcement on Galaxy Z Fold4 for more details. 📄 

 👉 Start testing on Galaxy Z Fold4 

New Features in LambdaTest Test Analytics Dashboard

Hey there 👋 

We've added some new features to the new LambdaTest Test Analytics Dashboard to help you get more out of your analytics experience. 📊 

Check it out 👇 

1. In the Test Case Health Snapshot Widget, you can now click on the card to see a list of the total Test Names along with the relevant information run on the LambdaTest platform.

To know more about the Test Information, you can click on the View Tests button.

2. Now you can fetch users based on the number of tests executed during a specified period.

3. You can now filter your widgets by Projects.

4. You can now filter your dashboard data with more precise time filters like “Last 3 hours”, "Last 3 days" etc.

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