Introducing the LambdaTest New Application Life Cycle Policy

Hey folks 👋 

In our ongoing effort to provide a seamless and efficient testing environment, we at LambdaTest are implementing a new Application Life Cycle Policy. 

As of 25th June 2023, any application uploaded to our platform will remain available for a duration of 90 days from the upload date. After this period, the application will be automatically deleted from our cloud.

This policy change aims to manage system resources more effectively, ensuring high performance for all end-users and customers. We recognize the importance of your applications in your testing processes. Therefore, we highly recommend maintaining local backups of your applications to prevent any disruptions to your workflows.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this new policy, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to improve our services to suit your needs better.

View App Profiling for Appium Tests

Looking to enhance your mobile app's performance? 🔍

LambdaTest' App Automation now supports App Profiling (Beta) for Appium Automation Tests.

Identify performance bottlenecks, and deliver a seamless mobile experience with comprehensive App Profiling metrics like CPU Consumption, Memory Consumption, Battery, Temperature, and more. 💻📈 

📕 Check out our support document to get started with App Profiling.

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Test on Latest Browsers, and FogBugz Integration

Hey folks 😀 

Here are a new set of features from LambdaTest's Real Time Testing 👇 

Latest Browsers in Real Time Testing  🕑 

  • Chrome 110 Beta, 109 
  • Firefox 110 Beta, 109 
  • Edge 110 Beta, 109
  • Opera 95

Newest Integration with FogBugz 🔗 

Avoid the hassle of maintaining bugs and tasks manually. With our newest integration with FogBugz, file bugs in a single click while performing cross browser testing of your website from the LambdaTest platform to your FogBugz instance.

Other Enhancements: The LambdaTest Integration for Zapier has been optimized for improved performance  

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HyperExecute: New features and enhancements


Here are some latest enhancements and new features that LambdaTest's HyperExecute Cloud has to offer. 👇

  • An optimized report creation process for TestNG jobs. You can use these reports to check the Test Summary, Scenario Summary, and more.

  • Added support of HyperExecute Analytics for Private Cloud. With this, you can optimize your testing process and learn more about how your tests are performing.

  • Abort functionality has been enhanced to provide you with more flexibility. You can abort all or a selected amount of jobs. However, an admin can abort any and all jobs currently running for their organization.

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Meet the All-New Chromium Based LT Browser 2.0

Hey folks 👋 

We're excited to announce the beta release of the new Chromium-based LT Browser 2.0.

Unleash the power of Chromium and take your responsive testing to the next level. The all-new LT Browser 2.0 is faster than ever as it is based on the latest native Chromium rendering engine (Blink). 

The new LT Browser 2.0 boasts enhanced performance and several features that make it easier for you to create responsive designs for device viewports of all sizes. 📱 💻 

Here is a quick rundown of the features that LT Browser 2.0 offers 👇 

  • Interact and test with 4 devices simultaneously.
  • Dedicated DevTools for different viewports.
  • Test with unlimited custom device viewports.
  • Generate and share multiple error reports.
  • Use Chromium settings.
  • Install Chrome extensions.
  • Unlimited browser tabs to launch device viewports.
  • Record with the entire screen or browser tab.

📌 For more details, please check our Product Update on LT Browser 2.0 

📌 To get started, refer to LT Browser 2.0: Getting Started Guide

Try it out now

Expedite your XCUI App Automation with HyperExecute

Hey, there👋 

Glad to announce that LambdaTest's XCUI automation cloud now supports running XCUI tests via HyperExecute on real devices. 

Using this feature, you can speed up your testing cycles by splitting the XCUI test cases into shards and running them in parallel to save time while running other XCUI tests. 

For more details, please refer to our support document - Sharding for XCUI

In addition, here are some more features added to real-time and automated app testing.

  • While running real-time app tests, team members can now copy their App ID for the app they upload.

  • The Apple News app is now available on iOS devices.
  • An admin can now stop a build or test running in their organization.
  • Support for iOS App Settings in app automation to change permissions for Camera, Contacts, Photos, etc. For more details, check our guide, iOS App Settings.

Give a spin to these new features 🌀

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LambdaTest Test Analytics: New Features

Hey, testers 😀 

Check out these new features added to LambdaTest Test Analytics. 👇 

  • Filter the Test Case Health Snapshot view according to your Count of Tests.

  • Added support for cloning the widgets in the Analytics Dashboard.

  • The new Task Status Ratio widget provides information about the quality of your current tasks based on the status marked on the LambdaTest platform.

Give these new features a try!

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Support for Windows 11 in HyperExecute


Hey folks 😀 

LambdaTest's HyperExecute Cloud now supports the following new features 👇 

  • Now run end-to-end automated tests on Windows 11. You can configure this by adding runson a key in the HyperExecute YAML file. 

To run tests on Windows 11, set the value of the runson key to win11 as shown below.

version: 0.1
runson: win11
testSuiteTimeout: 90
autosplit: true
retryOnFailure: true
maxRetries: 1
concurrency: 2
globalTimeout: 150
testSuiteTimeout: 150
testSuiteStep: 150
  • HyperExecute now allows you to retry commands that might fail during the pre-stage level. 

To do this, configure the preDirectives key in the HyperExecute YAML file. 

     - mkdir -p m2_cache_dir
     - mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=$CACHE_DIR -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install
  maxRetries: 5

The value of the maxRetries key determines how many times you want to retry your commands.

Try out these new features 🚀 

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What's New in LambdaTest Test Analytics

Hey there 👋 

Check out the new features we recently added to LambdaTest Test Analytics 📊  

  Now click on the cards of the Test Summary widget in the Analytics Dashboard and get a detailed view of your tests, including Test Name, Test Status, Browser/ Device, Build Name, and more.

  You can now make your Analytics Dashboard private. It's a feature that allows you to restrict who can view it. In addition, you can also make the Test Analytics Dashboard password protected by setting up a custom password. 

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