Introducing the LambdaTest AI-Powered Unified Test Manager

Now streamline your entire testing process with our AI-powered unified Test Manager

Our brand-new Test Manager (in Beta) lets you enhance test authoring, management, and execution with features like AI-powered test management and automation, exploratory testing, and more.

Here are the key features of the AI-powered Test Manager:

  • AI-Enhanced Management: Automates the creation, management, and execution of test cases.
  • Unified Interface: Manages manual and automated tests seamlessly from a single platform.
  • Real-Time Updates: Tracks the status of test runs directly through a comprehensive dashboard.
  • Jira Integration: Syncs seamlessly with Jira for efficient bug tracking and project management.
  • Cucumber Compatibility: Supports Gherkin syntax, facilitating integration with existing workflows.
  • Efficient Problem Resolution: Uses the 1-click Jira bug marking to log issues instantly.
  • Guided Testing: Ensures complete test coverage with structured exploratory testing.

Try Test Manager Now!

HyperExecute Expands Browser Support for Faster, More Comprehensive Testing! 🚀

HyperExecute expands its support for the latest versions of browsers for all operating systems: Linux, Windows, and macOSNow you can ensure flawless functionality across a wider range of environments with support for the latest versions of these popular browsers: 

  • Chrome: 125
  • Edge: 125
  • Firefox: 126

With this expanded compatibility, you can streamline your testing process and deliver exceptional user experiences with confidence!

Important Update: LambdaTest Data Center Expansion

Hey folks 👋 

We are expanding our data center to enhance global reach and ensure a consistently seamless experience for all our users and customers. As part of this expansion, we will add a new subnet of outbound IP addresses to our existing list. This will further improve the performance and reliability of our services.

If you have previously whitelisted LambdaTest's outbound IP addresses for your specific use case, we kindly request you update your whitelist to include the following additional IP subnet:


If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this update, please contact our dedicated support team at

Gain Deeper Insights with Multi Framework Support in HyperExecute

Enhanced Reporting with Multi-Framework Support 📝

You can now create multiple reports from different frameworks for your job. This allows you to:

  • Gain Framework-Specific Insights: Instantly identify performance metrics and potential issues unique to each framework.
  • Simplify Analysis: Focus on the results that matter most without sifting through a combined report. Explore framework-specific details and pinpoint areas for improvement with ease.
  • Enhanced Organization: Maintain a clear and organized overview of your entire test suite. Separate reports provide a structured view, allowing you to efficiently track the performance of each framework.

📕 Read the documentation - Test Reports to learn more about it.

Browser Support in HyperExecute 🚀

HyperExecute has released support for new version of browsers (Chrome, Edge and Firefox)


Mask Your Sensitive Data

Beware of Sensitive Data Exposure! Test recordings often gather all user interactions, including sensitive info like credentials and geo-location. Exposing these recordings poses a security risk. Introducing Lambda Masking by HyperExecute: Your Shield Against Accidental Exposure!

Benefits of Masking

  • Enhanced Security: Masking allows you to automatically hide sensitive data in your recorded test commands, mitigating the risk of exposure.
  • Improved Compliance: This feature can help you adhere to stricter data security regulations and best practices.

📕 Check the documentation - Playwright Capabilities to learn more about it.


Upcoming Changes: Supported Appium Versions for Real Devices

Starting June 1st, 2024, only the following versions will be compatible with real device testing. Therefore, we recommend you check and update your test scripts accordingly.

Supported Appium Versions:


Latest Version: We will update the latest version for both Android and iOS platforms. The latest version will be kept up-to-date with the latest stable releases of Appium Versions. 

Default Version: A new default version (2.2.1) will be supported when the user does not explicitly specify a version.

For more information, please check our guide, Supported Appium Versions.


Test Summary Hyperlinks for Enhanced Debugging Efficiency

Test Summary Hyperlinks provide a seamless redirection from your test summary to detailed test information within the automation dashboard. This eliminates the need for time-consuming navigation, allowing you to focus on what matters most - analyzing results and optimizing your tests.


  • Accelerated Debugging: Effortlessly transition from high-level summaries to granular test data, streamlining your troubleshooting process.
  • Improved Workflow Efficiency: Minimize time spent navigating between screens and maximize focus on actionable insights.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Experience an intuitive workflow that prioritizes clear visibility into your test results.

Start Testing 🚀

New Custom Widgets in Analytics for Real Device

With the latest updates to Test Analytics for Real Device, we have now provided you with a deeper understanding of your testing activities. The release includes enhancements to custom widgets in Analytics for Real Device. 

The following are the new custom widgets added in Analytics for Real Device:

  • Concurrency Trends: This provides detailed insight into how your resources are distributed across parallel tasks and how they are utilized.
  • Browser Testing Summary: This widget allows you to view the total number of tests, categorized by their status, and provides a quick assessment of your web browser testing capabilities.
  • App Testing Summary: For mobile app testing, you can now see a clear picture of the test results by grouping tests by their status.
  • Browser Testing OS and Device: Using this analysis, you can gain insight into the overall distribution of browser tests across different operating systems and devices. 
  • App Testing OS and Device: App testing now provides detailed distribution data for tests on different operating systems and devices, ensuring your mobile applications deliver a seamless user experience.
  • Browser Testing Trends: This platform allows you to analyze the trends of testing executed on the platform for browser testing, providing you with valuable insight into how your testing strategies evolve over time.
  • App Testing Trends: The widget will provide a clear picture of the trends in app testing. This will еnable you to adjust your tеsting approachеs based on historical data and forеcastеd patterns.

Start Testing

Latest Enhancements in Web Automation

We have made a few improvements in Web Automation to offer a significant boost to your web testing experience on LambdaTest. 

The enhancements include:

Faster Boot Time for iOS Simulator App/Web Testing  

Now experience significantly faster boot times for iOS simulators, leading to a more efficient and streamlined testing process. This allows you to focus on creating high-quality tests and delivering exceptional app/web experiences.

Fast and Improved Tunnel With Sock Protocol Support 🌐 

Experience a significant improvement in LambdaTest Tunnel connection speeds with Sock protocol support. This translates to faster and more reliable communication between your local machine and the LambdaTest cloud grid.

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