New Features in HyperExecute

Auto Heal the Flaky Tests with HyperExecute 🩹

Have you ever experienced an unexpected failure of a test or flakiness? HyperExecute's Auto Healing feature helps you enhance the robustness of the test suites by automatically overcoming certain types of unexpected failures during the execution of your test scripts.

📕 Check the documentation - Auto Healing in HyperExecute

Unleashing the Power of User-Specific Status using Lambda Hooks 🚀

You can now define the status of your tests on your own using our "User Defined Lambda Hooks" which can be helpful for monitoring test status and results based on different statuses like Passed, Failed, Skipped, Ignored, Unknown, and Error.

📕 Head over the documentation - User Specific Status - Lambda Hooks

HyperExecute Now Supports Katalon on macOS and Linux 🎉

You can now run your Katalon tests using HyperExecute on macOS and Linux platforms.

📕 Check the documentation - Katalon with HyperExecute

Start Testing 🚀