New Features in Test Manager

Here are the latest features we have released in the Test Manager:

  • Copy and Move Test Cases: You can now easily copy and move multiple test cases across folders and projects, simplifying test case organization and enhancing management efficiency.
  • Link HyperExecute Tests: We've added support for linking HyperExecute tests with Test Cases for Selenium, Playwright, Puppeteer, and Cypress, allowing for smooth integration of automated tests within Test Manager.
  • Expanded Custom Fields: Test Cases now support seven new custom field data types, including Dropdown (Single and Multi Select), Number, URL, Date, User, and Boolean (Checkbox), offering greater flexibility for data management.
  • Enhanced CSV Import: Our CSV import functionality now allows you to directly import test steps, expected outcomes, and BDD scenarios, streamlining test case management by bringing in comprehensive details at once.
  • Include Test Case IDs: You can now add Test Case IDs directly into your web automation script capabilities (e.g., "tms.tc_id": "TC-101"), linking automation runs to specific test cases and simplifying test management.

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