Now Reproduce Geolocation Tests To Make Debugging Easy

The Geolocation feature has been a real game changer for our real time testing users. However, we realized the challenges of reproducing a bug when you test your website for different countries.🌏

Until now, a user would mark the bug and share it across the team. The team members' challenge while debugging was to relaunch the same test environment, especially the test location, unless they do it manually🔄

Now you can Reproduce the Geolocation tests with just a single click. All you have to is click on the link provided, which will include your changed location. Whenever you relaunch the test using the link, it will launch with the same location. So it eliminates the need to change the location manually while you are busy debugging.🚀 

To use this feature, you can go to the 'Issue Tracker' to check your bug's status, you will see a link to your test (as shown below).

This is where our GeoIP reproduce feature comes into play; once you click on the test link, you will be redirected to your project management tool (Jira in our case), and you will be able to see an option to ‘Reproduce on LambdaTest’ with a link below.