SmartUI: Test on Mobile Viewports, Capture Screenshot of Elements and in Native Apps

This release includes some new features in SmartUI. Let's take a look!

Support for Mobile Viewports in SmartUI SDK Config 📱 

Now specify configurations for mobile in the config JSON file, including optional settings for full-page screenshots and device orientation. This way, you can perform comprehensive visual regression tests on web and mobile device viewports with customizable options.

Element Screenshot Functionality in SmartUI SDK 📷

Now capture screenshots of specific elements while being able to locate the element via XPath, CSS ID, Class, and other mechanisms. This ensures accurate and specific visual regression testing of components for your web applications.

Full-Page Screenshots for Native Apps on Real Devices 📃

Now capture full-page screenshots in native apps using SmartUI Webhooks powered by Appium. This empowers developers and testers to efficiently capture comprehensive screenshots of entire pages, ensuring detailed testing of visual elements across different devices and screen sizes. This feature is in the Beta phase.

Start Testing 🚀