Webinar: Understanding SpecFlow Framework and Running Tests on Cloud Selenium Grid

Join our webinar on 17th June 2021 @ 10 AM PST.

In this webinar, we will discuss SpecFlow in detail and help you understand how BDD can be leveraged by integrating SpecFlow Selenium C# files with end-to-end automation testing with Selenium. 

We will also look into a live demo of SpecFlow and LambdaTest work together to scale your test automation 🚀 

Speakers 🎤 

👤  ANDREAS WILLICH - Community Manager at SpecFlow

👤  HARSHIT PAUL - Product & Growth Manager at LambdaTest

What To Expect  

  1. Getting started with Selenium and SpecFlow (or Introduction to SpecFlow)
  2. Why SpecFlow over other BDD frameworks
  3. Organize and create well-maintained BDD tests with SpecFlow
  4. Overview of SpecFlow+ (LivingDoc and Runner)
  5. Expedite cross browser testing with SpecFlow and LambdaTest
  6. Need for Speed - Parallel Execution (Demo)
  • SpecFlow and NUnit
  • SpecFlow and SpecFlow+Runner