Howdy Testers! At LambdaTest, our users are a big part of our journey, as we constantly work towards giving the best experience to our users. This is why we’re constantly working to give you better user experience.
Perform Real-Time Testing Over Latest Browsers
We realise how important are the latest browsers are for your testing efforts, this is why we constantly work to get the lastest browsers to improve your testing coverage.
Here are the latest browsers for Real-time testing:
- Chrome 83 & Chrome 84 Beta
- Firefox 77
- Test on Edge 81, Edge 83 & Edge 84 Beta
- Opera 68, Opera 69 Beta
Now Live With Latest Chrome, Firefox, Edge & Opera Browsers
GitHub Actions To Launch Lambda Tunnel
The GitHub community can now leverage GitHub action for Lambda Tunnel to test locally hosted web pages with ease. Simply embed the Lambda Tunnel GitHub action into your Job. Once the GitHub action is triggered, it will automatically take care of setting up the binary file & executing Selenium automation tests using the Lambda Tunnel. Pace up your GitHub workflows now!
GitHub Action to Launch Lambda Tunnel
LambdaTest Now Integrates With AirTable
With LambdaTest integration with Airtable, you can manage your bugs more efficiently and effectively while performing cross browser testing. This integration enables you to easily mark your bugs, keep a track of them, share, and collaborate with your team on your Airtable project. Your bugs get logged in your respective table, you can fill up the fields such as associated feature, bug source, assignee, etc.
After you’ve marked the bugs, you can see that these bugs logged in the table, along with all the entered information. You can also see the environment on which the test was performed along with the screenshot URL of the marked bug, which routes you to the screenshot.
LambdaTest Now Integrates With Airtable