Test on Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro

Hey folks 😀 

Google's latest flagship, the highly-anticipated Google Pixel 8 and Google Pixel 8 Pro, are now at your fingertips on LambdaTest Real Device Cloud. 📱  

With this new addition, you can test your web and mobile applications on these real Google Pixel 8 and Google Pixel 8 Pro devices running the latest Android 14. 

Test Now on Pixel 8 Devices

HyperExecute’s Latest Release

Snooper Now on HyperExecute!
Boost your testing capabilities with Snooper's advanced features for in-depth analysis and debugging.
About Snooper: A snooper command helps you discover the list of feature file scenarios based on the arguments provided.

📕 For more details, check the documentation.

Android-SDK Runtime Support! 
Simplify your validation process, enhance adaptability, and elevate your testing with Android-SDK runtime support.

📕 For more details, Check the documentation.

Start Testing 🚀

App Automation on Emulators and Simulators, Flaky Test Detection With Test Intelligence, Latest iPhone 15 Simulators, and More


App Automation on Emulators and Simulators 

LambdaTest now supports App Automation on Emulators and Simulators. With this feature, you can automate mobile apps on a virtual device cloud of Emulators and Simulators. Currently, this feature is available in the Beta phase, with support for the Appium framework.

Head over to our documentation to get started - App Automation Using Emulators and Simulators on LambdaTest.


DOM Comparison for Playwright and Puppeteer

While performing visual regression testing, if you have any dynamic elements that are not in the same position across test runs, you can now ignore/select a specific area to be removed from the comparison using the Playwright and Puppeteer framework. 

Refer to the documentation to get started - Handle Dynamic Elements in SmartUI.


AI-Powered Flaky Test Detection 

LambdaTest Test Intelligence platform is now live with flaky test detection to help you identify the flaky tests in your test suite. It provides you with a list of tests that are flaky and the reason behind the flakiness of the test. 

You can also view the history of the flaky tests and the number of times the test has failed in the past. This helps you to identify the flaky tests and fix them to improve the quality of your test suite.

Check the documentation - Flaky Test Detection with Test Intelligence.


New Tunnel Flags for NTLM Authentication

LambdaTest Tunnel now offers support for NTLM authentication, a Microsoft-specific authentication mechanism used on IIS Servers. To use this feature, we've introduced two new flags: --ntlm-username and --ntlm-password.


Test on the Latest iPhone 15 Simulators with iOS 17

You can now test your web and native mobile apps on the latest iPhone 15 Series running iOS 17. The available iPhone 15 Simulators include the following models: 

  • iPhone 15
  • iPhone 15 Pro, Pro Max
  • iPhone 15 Plus 


LambdaTest Integration With Axosoft

LambdaTest now offers integration with Axosoft to enable the creation and management of bugs or issues directly from the LambdaTest platform.

To use this integration, visit the documentation - LambdaTest Integration With Axosoft.

Start Testing 🚀 

HyperExecute's Latest Updates: Ruby Runtime Support, Latest Chrome Support, and more

Hyperexecute is excited to announce this week’s feature updates that will transform your testing experience. Let’s get into a deep dive for each.

  • Ruby Runtime Support: We now offer Ruby runtime support, for seamless testing across Windows, Linux and Mac environments.
  • Chrome 116.0 Support: HyperExecute now supports Chrome 116.0 under the 'latest' keyword for browser versions.
  • TestNG for Mobile Testing: Hyperexecute now provides TestNG support for app testing with Appium, simplifying the testing experience.

Testμ Online Conference is Back - Decode the Future of Testing

Gеt ready to gеar up for TеstμConf 2023! 📺 

This highly anticipatеd and largеst frее onlinе community-lеd confеrеncе in thе tеsting landscapе is making a comеback with thе following highlights:

✅ 03 Days event
🎙️ 45+ Global Speakers
💻 30+ Sessions
⏲️ 2000+Minutes
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 10000+ Attendees 

Also, join Delta Awards to celebrate, recognize, and reward testers & developers.🏆

Stand a chance to win prizеs worth up to $7500! 

👉 Register for Testμ 2023 

Introducing the LambdaTest New Application Life Cycle Policy

Hey folks 👋 

In our ongoing effort to provide a seamless and efficient testing environment, we at LambdaTest are implementing a new Application Life Cycle Policy. 

As of 25th June 2023, any application uploaded to our platform will remain available for a duration of 90 days from the upload date. After this period, the application will be automatically deleted from our cloud.

This policy change aims to manage system resources more effectively, ensuring high performance for all end-users and customers. We recognize the importance of your applications in your testing processes. Therefore, we highly recommend maintaining local backups of your applications to prevent any disruptions to your workflows.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this new policy, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to improve our services to suit your needs better.

Voices of Community: The New Tool On The Block Playwright

Join us on April 26th, 2023, for the next episode of Voices of Community on The 'New Tool On The Block' Playwright 📺 

🕛  8:30 - 9:30 PM IST | 11:00 - 12:00 PM EST 

Save Your Spot 👈 

Speakers 🎤 

  • 👤 Butch Mayhew - Head of Quality and Reliability, Tilled & Playwright Ambassador
  • 👤 Manoj Kumar - VP - DevRel and OSPO, LambdaTest

In this episode of Voices of Community, Butch Mayhew shares his learning journey in building automated tests with Playwright, how to leverage it in CI/CD pipelines, top features of Playwright, and more.

Voices of Community: Clean Coding Practices for Test Automation (Part 2)

Join us on March 23rd, 2023, for the next episode of Voices of Community on Clean Coding Practices for Test Automation (Part 2) 📺 

🕛  9:00-10:30 AM EST | 6:30-8:00 PM IST


 Speakers 🎤 

  • 👤 Sai Krishna - Lead Consultant, Thoughtworks
  • 👤 Srinivasan Sekar - Lead Consultant, Thoughtworks 

In this webinar, we will take up real-world scenarios to showcase clean coding practices for test automation. We will dissect existing test automation code, from identifying code smells to fixing them.

It is a continuation of our previous webinar on Clean Coding Practices for Test Automation.

Test on Latest Browsers, and FogBugz Integration

Hey folks 😀 

Here are a new set of features from LambdaTest's Real Time Testing 👇 

Latest Browsers in Real Time Testing  🕑 

  • Chrome 110 Beta, 109 
  • Firefox 110 Beta, 109 
  • Edge 110 Beta, 109
  • Opera 95

Newest Integration with FogBugz 🔗 

Avoid the hassle of maintaining bugs and tasks manually. With our newest integration with FogBugz, file bugs in a single click while performing cross browser testing of your website from the LambdaTest platform to your FogBugz instance.

Other Enhancements: The LambdaTest Integration for Zapier has been optimized for improved performance  

Start Testing

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