Upcoming Changes: Supported Appium Versions for Real Devices

Starting June 1st, 2024, only the following versions will be compatible with real device testing. Therefore, we recommend you check and update your test scripts accordingly.

Supported Appium Versions:


Latest Version: We will update the latest version for both Android and iOS platforms. The latest version will be kept up-to-date with the latest stable releases of Appium Versions. 

Default Version: A new default version (2.2.1) will be supported when the user does not explicitly specify a version.

For more information, please check our guide, Supported Appium Versions.


Test Summary Hyperlinks for Enhanced Debugging Efficiency

Test Summary Hyperlinks provide a seamless redirection from your test summary to detailed test information within the automation dashboard. This eliminates the need for time-consuming navigation, allowing you to focus on what matters most - analyzing results and optimizing your tests.


  • Accelerated Debugging: Effortlessly transition from high-level summaries to granular test data, streamlining your troubleshooting process.
  • Improved Workflow Efficiency: Minimize time spent navigating between screens and maximize focus on actionable insights.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Experience an intuitive workflow that prioritizes clear visibility into your test results.

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Latest Enhancements in Web Automation

We have made a few improvements in Web Automation to offer a significant boost to your web testing experience on LambdaTest. 

The enhancements include:

Faster Boot Time for iOS Simulator App/Web Testing  

Now experience significantly faster boot times for iOS simulators, leading to a more efficient and streamlined testing process. This allows you to focus on creating high-quality tests and delivering exceptional app/web experiences.

Fast and Improved Tunnel With Sock Protocol Support 🌐 

Experience a significant improvement in LambdaTest Tunnel connection speeds with Sock protocol support. This translates to faster and more reliable communication between your local machine and the LambdaTest cloud grid.

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Enhance your Security and Streamline the Secret Management

Improved Secrets Management 🔐

You can now specify a dedicated secrets file containing sensitive information like credentials and API keys.

These secrets within the designated file are accessible only within the scope of that particular job execution. This significantly reduces the risk of accidental exposure and improves overall security.

📗 Refer to our comprehensive documentation for a better understanding.

Microsoft Edge Canary Support for macOS 🚀

HyperExecute users running macOS can now leverage Microsoft Edge Canary for testing.

Automate Apple Pay Testing on Private Cloud Devices

LambdaTest now offers Apple Pay testing on private real iOS device cloud. This empowers developers and testers to:

  • Ensure a seamless Apple Pay experience: Test Apple Pay functionality (card selection, prompts, authentication) on real devices in a controlled environment.
  • Catch device-specific issues: Identify issues caused by security settings or OS variations.
  • Verify smooth integration: Ensure a flawless Apple Pay experience within your private cloud infrastructure.

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What's New with HyperExecute?

Release HyperExecute Feature 

📌 Speed Up Your Development Workflow 

Optimize your development workflow by significantly reducing codebase upload times, particularly when making frequent, incremental changes.

Key benefits of differentialUpload Flag:

1. Lightning-fast Uploads: Experience upload times faster for incremental changes. ⚡️

2. Boost your Productivity: Spend less time waiting for uploads and more time developing. 🧑‍💻

3. Efficient Resource Utilization: Reduce strain on your network and platform resources. 👨🏻‍💻🧑‍💻

📕 Read the Documentation

📌 Enhance your UI Testing Experience

You can selectively exclude specific elements from visual comparisons during your automated tests.

Advantages of ignoreDOM flag

1. Handling Dynamic Content: Exclude elements that frequently change, like timestamps or user-generated content, to avoid false positives.

2. Focusing on core functionality: Zero in on critical elements by ignoring UI components like headers, footers, or navigation menus.

3. Testing Specific Sections: Target a particular area of your webpage for more granular testing.

📕 Read the Documentation

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Introducing the New LambdaTest UI Across All Products

Hey folks 👋 

Today, we announce a brand new user interface (UI) coming to all LambdaTest products! This update marks a significant step forward in our mission to deliver an exceptional testing experience and elevate your efficiency.

We understand the importance of a smooth transition, so we'll be rolling out the new UI in phases. This allows us to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your workflow. We'll also be gathering your valuable feedback throughout the process to continuously refine and optimize the experience.

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Now Test on Latest Samsung Galaxy S24 Series

Are your mobile apps ready for the latest Samsung Galaxy S24 series? 

Test them now on LambdaTest real device cloud and ensure your web and native mobile apps are compatible with the latest Samsung Galaxy S24 series. 📱 🌐 

Get ahead of the game by testing on these Galaxy S24 models:

  • Galaxy S24
  • Galaxy S24+
  • Galaxy S24 Ultra

So, what are you waiting for? Head over to LambdaTest real device cloud and ensure your apps shine on the Samsung Galaxy S24 series. 📱 

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HyperExecute: Enhance Your Development Efficiency with our Latest Releases

Release Announcement HyperExecute 

Streamline Maven Runtime Support in your Projects 🧑‍💻

Enhance your development process with Maven runtime support in HyperExecute. Enjoy seamless integration and optimized performance for Maven-based projects, making your execution process even more efficient.

📕 Check the documentation to setup Maven support

Detailed Control with Regex Retry Option ⚙️

Regular expressions offer precise control, allowing you to fine-tune when test retries are triggered. Specify the exact situations where you want tests to run again, ensuring optimal resource utilization and laser-focused testing execution

📗 Read the documentation

Streamline Naming with Artifact-Matrix Parameter Value 📝

Simplify artifact management by replacing artifact names with browser-parameter values. This enhancement ensures consistency and clarity in your project, making it easier to manage and track artifacts associated with different parameters.

📘 Read the documentation

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