New Custom Widgets in Analytics for Real Device

With the latest updates to Test Analytics for Real Device, we have now provided you with a deeper understanding of your testing activities. The release includes enhancements to custom widgets in Analytics for Real Device. 

The following are the new custom widgets added in Analytics for Real Device:

  • Concurrency Trends: This provides detailed insight into how your resources are distributed across parallel tasks and how they are utilized.
  • Browser Testing Summary: This widget allows you to view the total number of tests, categorized by their status, and provides a quick assessment of your web browser testing capabilities.
  • App Testing Summary: For mobile app testing, you can now see a clear picture of the test results by grouping tests by their status.
  • Browser Testing OS and Device: Using this analysis, you can gain insight into the overall distribution of browser tests across different operating systems and devices. 
  • App Testing OS and Device: App testing now provides detailed distribution data for tests on different operating systems and devices, ensuring your mobile applications deliver a seamless user experience.
  • Browser Testing Trends: This platform allows you to analyze the trends of testing executed on the platform for browser testing, providing you with valuable insight into how your testing strategies evolve over time.
  • App Testing Trends: The widget will provide a clear picture of the trends in app testing. This will еnable you to adjust your tеsting approachеs based on historical data and forеcastеd patterns.

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Latest Enhancements in Web Automation

We have made a few improvements in Web Automation to offer a significant boost to your web testing experience on LambdaTest. 

The enhancements include:

Faster Boot Time for iOS Simulator App/Web Testing  

Now experience significantly faster boot times for iOS simulators, leading to a more efficient and streamlined testing process. This allows you to focus on creating high-quality tests and delivering exceptional app/web experiences.

Fast and Improved Tunnel With Sock Protocol Support 🌐 

Experience a significant improvement in LambdaTest Tunnel connection speeds with Sock protocol support. This translates to faster and more reliable communication between your local machine and the LambdaTest cloud grid.

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Live With Accessibility DevTools Chrome Extension

Hey folks 👋

We're now live with our own Accessibility DevTools Chrome Extension that lets you perform web accessibility testing at your fingertips. Our Chrome extension for web accessibility ensures inclusivity and compliance for all users.

With LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools, you can
  • Conduct comprehensive scans of entire pages or focus on specific components.
  • Automate scans across multiple URLs simultaneously.
  • Perform ongoing evaluation and capture issues from user interactions and page redirections.
  • Get detailed summaries and customizable settings to streamline the debugging process.
  • Get a centralized dashboard for easy tracking and management of accessibility tests.

To get started, check out this guide - LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools.

Get Flakiness Test Insights, and Export Analytics Dashboard as a PDF

Stop Struggling With Flaky Web Automation Tests!  

LambdaTest now provides flaky test analytics for Selenium web automation on real devices.  By leveraging the power of Test Intelligence, you can identify flaky tests, saving you time and effort in fixing them.

Export Your Test Analytics Dashboard for Powerful Sharing and Analysis

Now you can export Test Analytics dashboard as a PDF, unlocking a toolbox of benefits beyond simply viewing data within the platform. Get more out of your Test Analytics! Export dashboards as PDFs to:

  • Share Insights: Inform anyone, even without platform access.
  • Boost Flexibility: Integrate PDFs into reports, presentations, or docs.
  • Analyze Offline: Review data anywhere, even without the Internet.
  • Track History: Archive snapshots for future reference.

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What's New in Web Automation

The LambdaTest Web Automation platform has been upgraded with some new features and enhancements.👇 

📌 Generate Multiple Lighthouse Reports Using Lambda Hooks

LambdaTest enables Selenium automation with the added capability of generating multiple Lighthouse reports using Lambda Hooks. This includes the hook structure, expected behavior, and the specific conditions triggering report generation or error occurrences.

📌 Generate Lighthouse Reports With Playwright Lighthouse Library

With LambdaTest, you can seamlessly perform Playwright automation and effortlessly generate Lighthouse reports using the Playwright Lighthouse Library – all within a single test.

📌 Support for Selenium 4.14 - 4.17

You can now perform automation testing using Selenium 4.14 - 4.17. This enhancement is compatible with the newest Java features for improved performance and stability in your test automation. Also, you can experience faster test execution and reduced latency with optimized WebDriver calls and a more efficient Selenium Grid, all accessible through our cloud.

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New Features in Test Analytics and HyperExecute


Real-Time Browser Concurrency Usage - Support for Sub-Organizations 

With the latest update, parent organization account users can now seamlessly monitor the real-time browser session usage of all their sub-organizations from a single, unified view. This feature grants the ability to observe which sub-organizations are utilizing more or fewer resources, thereby enabling a more strategic and informed approach to resource planning.

Key Benefits:

  • Centralized Monitoring: Administrators can now track browser concurrency from a central dashboard, providing a comprehensive overview of resource usage across all sub-organizations.
  • Resource Optimization: Real-time insights allow for immediate adjustments to resource allocation, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Detailed usage statistics empower parent organizations with the data required to make informed decisions about future resource provisioning and capacity planning.
  • Increased Control: This update offers a granular level of control, allowing for the identification of usage patterns and potential areas for improvement within sub-organizations.

For more information, refer to our documentation - Advanced Test Analytics.


Support for Test Muting

With Test Muting functionality, you can temporarily disable the execution of a test case. This can helpful for skipping failing or irrelevant tests, enhancing the efficiency and efficacy of your test process and enabling you to concentrate on the most important results.

To get started, head to our documentation - Test Muting in HyperExecute.

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Now Test Your Mobile Apps on Android 14

Are your web and mobile apps ready for Android 14? 

Test them now on LambdaTest virtual device cloud running the latest Android 14 Emulators and ensure your web and native mobile apps are compatible with the latest Android 14. 📱 🌐 

Here are the following Emulators supporting Android 14:

  • Google Pixel 7 Pro
  • Google Pixel 7
  • OnePlus 11 5G
  • realme GT2 Pro 

Start testing on Android 14

Live With SmartUI CLI, Test Case Insights, iOS Biometric Authentication & New Browsers


SmartUI CLI for Visual Regression Testing

We've just introduced a SmartUI CLI to make visual regression testing easier and more convenient for you. With this, you can now perform visual regression testing effortlessly right from your command line terminal.

It's easy to get started with SmartUI CLI -

  1. Install the necessary dependencies.
  2. Create a URL file.
  3. Configure your project token.
  4. Create and configure SmartUI config.
  5. Execute the tests on the SmartUI cloud using CLI.

For more details, check the documentation SmartUI CLI.

Test Analytics

Get Test Case Insights in Test Analytics for HyperExecute

We have now added two new widgets in LambdaTest Analytics: the Test Cases Health Snapshot and the Test Cases View for HyperExecute. These widgets are designed to make it easier for you to dive into the details of your test execution at the individual test case level. 

With these features, you can now access in-depth information about the number and types of test cases. The best part is that you can customize these widgets and apply advanced filters to tailor your analysis according to your specific needs. It's all about giving you the tools to gain a deeper understanding of your test cases and their performance.  


Biometric Authentication for iOS

LambdaTest now supports biometric authentication on real devices for iOS 13 and above versions. With this new feature, you can test the biometric authentication functionality in your iOS apps to ensure that the app provides an optimal user experience on various iOS devices and platforms.

Head over to our documentation to get started with Biometric Authentication.


The latest browser versions to enhance your cross browser testing capabilities are now live.

  • Chrome 117 Beta, 116, 115
  • Firefox 118 Beta, 117, 116
  • Edge 117 Beta, 116, 115 
  • Opera 102, 101, 100
  • Brave 1.57, 1.56, 1.53

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New Features: Web Automation and HyperExecute


Auto Healing to Overcome Test Flakiness 🩹 

Test flakiness and unexpected failures can be really frustrating. But worry not! With our AI-powered Auto Healing feature, you can now automatically recover from certain test failures, reduce flakiness and proactively handle unexpected errors, improving the overall reliability of your test suites. 

📕 Check the documentation - Auto Healing for Selenium Web Automation.

Geolocation Testing for Cities 🌎 

LambdaTеst now offеrs еxclusivе support for Gеolocation tеsting for citiеs. Through this functionality, you can now gain thе еffortlеss ability to mimic gеolocation coordinatеs for various cities while performing automated browser testing. This feature is supported for framеworks such as Sеlеnium, Cyprеss, Playwright, Puppеtееr, and k6. 


Download Consolidated HTML Reports for Playwright Tests 📜 

Our latest updatе in HyperExecute еnablеs you to download consolidatеd HTML rеports for your Playwright tеsts. This translatеs to comprеhеnsivе and mеticulously organizеd rеports that еncompass all vital tеst run dеtails in a singlе location. Through thе downloadablе consolidatеd HTML rеports, you can quickly rеtriеvе and sеamlеssly sharе tеst rеsults with your tеam and stakеholdеrs. 

📕 For morе information, rеfеr to thе documеntation - Consolidatеd Playwright HTML Rеport on HypеrExеcutе.

Run Tests With Quiet Mode Functionality 🔇 

With еvеry job еxеcution in HypеrExеcutе, significant numbеr of logs arе gеnеratеd. Whilе thеsе logs arе valuablе for in-dеpth dеbugging and analysis, wе also undеrstand that thеy can somеtimеs ovеrwhеlm Continuous Intеgration (CI) systеms, particularly during еxtеnsivе tеst еxеcutions.

To address this concern and provide you with morе control over logging output, we have introduced thе all-nеw Quiеt Modе in HypеrExеcutе. This fеaturе allows you to strеamlinе your tеst runs by displaying only thе most rеlеvant updatеs during thе tеst еxеcution. By doing so, you can now run your tеsts with significantly fеwеr logs without compromising on thе quality of dеbugging and analysis.

📕 Refer to the documentation to learn more - Quiet Mode in HyperExecute.

Schedule Test Execution With HyperExecute Workflow 🕝 

With HyperExecute Workflow, you can now easily schеdulе tеst runs and makе your tеsting procеss smoothеr than еvеr. Whеthеr you nееd tеsts to run rеgularly or at spеcific intеrvals, HypеrExеcutе Workflow has you covеrеd. By automating tеst schеduling, you can usе rеsourcеs bеttеr, and еnsurе tеsts run at thе right timеs without manual еffort. 

📕 Head over to the documentation - HyperExecute Workflow.

Start Testing 🚀 

Test on macOS Sonoma, and Android 14 Beta

Hey folks 👋 

Check out the fresh set of features that went live on LambdaTest 👇 

Real Time Browser Testing

📌 You can now perform real time testing on macOS Sonoma exclusively on the LambdaTest platform and ensure a quality web experience with this cutting-edge macOS update. Test your websites and web applications right away across various real browsers running real macOS Sonoma.

Real Devices

📌 Now test your mobile web & native apps on Android 14 (Beta) on real Android devices and ensure your mobile applications are fully optimized and ready to excel on Android 14.

📌 For App Automation, we have made a few enhancements in the network logs functionality to provide you with better visibility and control. Some enhancements include advanced search and filter operations on the network logs, improved usability, and download network logs in .HAR format.


📌 LambdaTest has now integrated with Airbrake, a bug-monitoring and tracking tool that lets you effortlessly track and monitor bugs while performing cross browser testing directly from the LambdaTest platform to your Airbrake instance, eliminating the need for manual maintenance of tasks and issues. 

To use this integration, check out the documentation - Airbrake Integration with LambdaTest

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